Sunday, November 6, 2011

Fire Assessment is "gaming" the system

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Our city manager, Susan Stanton, just likes the big fight. It really is a game to see whose ego wins. She knows that she controls the dais when it comes to any of her desires and as such, she controls the 36,000 people living in this city as well as all the churches, schools and non-profits who she says has to pay this special assessment for fire pensions. What a trip that is.

With Stanton's idea to grab the cash, former Palm Beach County School Superintendent, Bill Malone, told her that State Law says that educational facilities are exempt from service fees. The argument is whether a fire assessment is a user fee as Stanton claims and this argument is being tested in Ocala. Whatever the determination, it is still a heavy handed way of taxing and could result in a law suit.

Depending upon the outcome on November 8, a new dais could rescind this assessment and find the money in the budget or simply delay a capital improvement. This is the one issue that could bring down the present dais even if the mayor voted for it before she voted against it.

Read about it here.


  1. If you get a bill for this Assessment please note that is states that if you do not pay NOW it will go on your tax bill next year. DO NOT PAY NOW! If the Dias changes this can and should be rescinded and none of us will have to worry about it any longer.

    Remember DO NOT PAY NOW!!!!

  2. The whole problem in this city are the pension benefits. Stanton has not controlled this expense.

  3. Just what the city needs, yet another lawsuit.

  4. Just shows ya that people in this City care more about smoking pot than they care about tax assessments. What's with that?

  5. If we are high we will not care about the assessments.
