Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Lake Worth Herald attacks local Blogs with "slanderous" Opinion

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I got my Lake Worth Herald yesterday--always a pleasure. That was sarcasm in case you didn't notice. Mark Easton's editorial was brutal--probably the most brutal I have ever read in The Lake Worth Herald-- but he's entitled to his opinion. A few years ago I was the subject of a fictional article by Patrick Parrish in order to sell newspapers. It was pathetic.

Easton, President and Publisher of The Lake Worth Herald and now the Editor and general do-it-all, slammed the local blogs. Not only did he slam them; he threw them against the wall in a ruthless attempt to discredit them. All newspapers should be worried about blogs. More people read them than ever before and subscriptions to printed news is dropping like huge rocks.

Blogs are, more times than not, at the pulse of what's happening and they're not going away. Even most mainstream newspapers have Blog sections. They may come and go and mine might be gone tomorrow but there will always be another that will pop up and take its place by some interested writer. Those involved in writing blogs in this City are well informed and knowledgeable on the facts; it is only our opinions and politics that differ from time to time.

To set the record straight, no, Mr. Easton, it is not the blogs that are the problem in reporting about the workshop that was changed by request of Commissioner Scott Maxwell to a special meeting and then back to a workshop last week. It was not this blog that reported anything inaccurate. There were no "venomous slanderings." Nor were there any "nonfactual babble" as you put it. The only babble is what I read in your editorial.

We are just looking at all of this, Mr. Easton, through different colored glasses. Openness and transparency was not evident in changing a meeting at the last minute and luckily this Commission saw that too. And Mr. Easton, prove to me that there was not a Sunshine Law violation by the city manager.

Dr. McVoy has an advanced degree--a Doctorate. He does not need anyone else to think for him. So, he needn't apologize to anyone. Also, Mr. Eston, you invented some sort of conspiracy theory as to why Dr. McVoy knew that Suzanne Mulvehille was not polled to change this workshop to a voting meeting. You made an invented and false assumption. Also, you attacked Rachel Waterman who has every right to have an opinion just as you do. Your attempt to trivialize the former mayor in this manner is beneath contempt. She lost by 220 votes if you care to recall.

Blogs get it right more often than not. You are accusing blogs of doing something that you yourself just did in an editorial. Hypocritical politics--good for your goose but not the gander? And my view of the event and political opinion just differs from yours, Mr. Easton. That's all it is here. Bloggers write for the sheer love of it and to get their opinions out there. Opinion and POLITICS and of course, I don't wear those rose colored glasses or depend on advertising to keep on blogging.


  1. Lynn, I don't receive or read the herald, so I can't comment on the article you reference....
    However, don't you fell just a little uneasy about the way you went after Maxwell without even reading the email that started the unnecessary outrage and controversy
    I listened to that meeting and it was pretty clear to me that there was nothing to get excited about
    Sounded more like the new commission minority was looking for a way to rally the troops to establish themselves as not going away quietly!

  2. I posted Maxwell's e-mail in its entirety. I had read it prior to that blog. So, no, I don't feel the least bit uneasy about it at all. Scott is a very clever politician.

    I wasn't born yesterday. I know what "fair" is and isn't. I also know what open and transparent is and what political tactics are.

  3. It's about time someone put down that prissy piece of one sided S**t. Thanks, Lynn.

  4. The Herald for years and years has sided with one side of poltiics in Lake Worth. Usually it is always the side that makes millions in mistakes costing the taxpayers fortunes. The real estate companies, the banks, the merchants and such advertise with them. What can you expect?

  5. Lynn, you are the only blogger who wrote anything about the editorial in the Lake Worth Herald. That may be because you were the only blogger who erroneously "blamed" Scott Maxwell for the workshop being changed to a special meeting. I had given you a pass for the bloody fangs article because I thought you didn't have the facts. Now I learn you knowingly wrote an inaccurate post. Did you feed Willie Howard his "facts"?

  6. I might be the only blogger with the guts to take on the Lake Worth Herald--ever think of that?

    The Herald is wrong, Stu, and so are you.

    I blamed the way in which the workshop was changed to a special meeting. Maxwell requested it. Susan Stanton, in the end, was the one who really changed it out of fear for Maxwell. It was the PROCESS, Stu, if you have any clue as to what that means.

  7. Why didn't the Herald print Maxwell's email of the alleged request for a special meeting?

  8. Easton had already made up his mind and took a political stand in this past election.

    It wasn't so much Scott's e-mail although the very thing that he ALWAYS copmplains about he did himself--it was rather what happened after his request. Tha't where it all went wrong.

  9. The Lake Worth Herald is such nonsense garbage I would never read it.
