Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Herman Cain

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59% of married men cheat. So why is anyone surprised or does not believe that Herman Cain screwed around with impunity with multiple women for years? According to reports, the more successful and the more money one makes, the more likely that one will cheat. "Disclosures filed during his campaign in 2011 categorized Cain's wealth as of that time as being between $2.9 to $6.6 million, with Cain's income for both 2010 and 2011 combined being between $1.1 to $2.1 million." Source: Wikipedia

Cain was literally having a ball!


  1. Innocent until proven guilty? I like that one. Actually, it's his hat. Anyone wearing a pimp's hat like that you just know he reeks of testosterone.

  2. Too bad that Herman does not have James Carville to speak of 'trailer trash' as he did for Clinton. Kennedy was a womanizer, Johnson likewise, Clinton had a bevy of women, and Obama likes to kiss men, so Cain should fit right in.

  3. The difference is that Democrats don't pretend to be the perfect party of morals as does the Republicans.

  4. You just cited all democrats above as womanizers. LOL

  5. I really don't care what Cain does in his private life (obv. the accusations regarding sexual harassment are different), but the reason he and other Republicans get more of a hassle than Dems is b/c republicans are always trying to tell the rest of us what we can and can't do in our private lives.

  6. All you have to be is a rock star or have money. Sick. His manner of speaking would turn me flat off.

  7. I'm sorry,,did I just halucinate,or was someone stupid enough to infer that the Democrats are not telling us what we can and cannot do in our lives?!? Where has that poster been for the last three years? Obama's dictating health care,Czars and the nationalization of PRIVATE American companies ,Moochelle having the balls to tell restaurants what kind of food they can sell ,etc.Talk about the pot calling the kettle black!!! Take it from this 1% wannabe, another four years of a Democrat backed Marxist in the White House will mean the end of this country .

  8. I'll take Mr Cain's hat over Mr. Clintons CIGAR any day !!!!
