Friday, October 21, 2011

Wells Fargo SNAFU

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Wells Fargo says the snafu is a "security breach" of some sort because customers got other's bank statements.

I'm not so sure that this is totally true as last month Wells Fargo lost one of my business accounts. When I called them about it, they couldn't even find me in their system, not my social security number or anything about me. I have a total of 5 accounts there that I write on. It took 4 business days going into the bank to finally get it straightened out. I had to prove I was who I said I was and that I ever had an account, not the other way around.

I personally believe it started with the conversion of moving Wachovia accounts over to Wells Fargo but we'll never really find out.


  1. Lynn, If you have 5 bank accounts why are you bitching about the assessments?"???"?

  2. I said I write on 5 accounts. I didn't say that I was the owner of all these accounts. Do I really have to explain this to YOU? Also, I have said it is NOT about the $60. It is about the entire bull shit and the BIG LIE FROM CITY HALL. Get it, Susan?
