Saturday, October 22, 2011

Scott Maxwell Alludes to Dirty Tricks in Lake Worth Elections - Wants to overthrow the present Majority

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Libertarian Party of PB County watching for Voter Fraud in Lake Worth

To All from David Wood:
We are in desperate need of help in Lake Worth. Our election process has been hijacked by an element that is bent on bankrupting Lake Worth. We need poll watchers. Please see what Scott Maxwell has discovered about a recent Lake Worth special election for Mayor. (see exhibit 1) Then read his appeal in exhibit 2. Please call me if you can even donate a little time. (561-582-6099) Keep in mind this is probably not isolated to our community. If we stop it in our next election it will send a message to these corrupters. David Wood

Exhibit 1
  • Voting in free and fair elections is at the foundation of what America was built
  • Unfortunately, Palm Beach County has developed a reputation as being “corruption county”
  • It is understandable that our city clerk is placed in the middle of this and asked to make a decision that lies within her responsibility as the soe for a standalone municipal election
  • Although an investigation may be warranted to validate one way or another the validity of the concerns expressed, time is of the essence and the correct short term action to prevent the potential for additional issues is to employ only workers who have not been employed in the city of lake worth elections during any of the past 6 years through and including 2005
  • Would like to solicit help from Pam Lopez on how if at all to craft a press release to let folks know that the city of lake worth is determined to ensure that its elections are free of real or perceived irregularities
  • Never too late to do the right thing
  • By ensuring all new workers the city prevents potential perception issues and or clears all workers for past issues if in fact there are no real issues uncovered after careful examination

Some facts to consider:
  • Special election of July 2011 drew roughly 2500 voters
  • The runoff election of two weeks later actually drew about 2700 voters, nearly 200 more than the initial election day which is extremely abnormal in terms of historical runoff election turnout
  • Of the 2700 voters in the runoff election, 699 voters in fact did not vote in the initial election of two weeks prior, again an extreme anomaly
  • In addition, 448 voters who voted the first election, in fact, did not vote in the runoff election creating a spread of 1147 votes or roughly 45.63% of the original 2500 votes cast in the first election, again extremely unheard of.


I would like to once again thank you for your continued support in my past attempts to gain and retain a seat on the Lake Worth City Commission. I am pleased to announce that I will be unopposed in my re-election bid this year, however I continue to be humbled and honored in the faith you have placed in me and want you to know that I will work hard to continue to earn that faith.

As you may be aware, the City of Lake Worth is holding an election on Tuesday, November 8th to choose a Commissioner and a Mayor…the two seats I desperately need to wrest back control of city hall.

You may also be aware that Lake Worth has a history of real or perceived “irregularities” at the polling places, as evidenced in our recent special election runoff of just three months ago where 700 voters, that did not vote in the initial election, in fact voted in the runoff round to create a greater turn out than the original election itself!

Those results are highly suspect and worthy of further investigation, but for now it is important that a repeat of this potential irregularity does not occur, and I am asking for your help to prevent it.

There are quality candidates running in Lake Worth this year that share many of the values and principles that you and I share, and I really need their help and support on the commission to help move Lake Worth in a much better direction , so...

I am asking you to pledge as much of your day on Tuesday, November 8th to once again serve as a poll watcher to assure the residents of Lake Worth an election free of perceived irregularities.

I anticipate the need for 28 to 36 poll watchers for deployment throughout the day within our 8 or so polling locations, and of course breaks, meals etc are certainly part of the plan.

Your efforts this day will serve as great and valuable experience as you and I prepare for bigger victories in November 2012!

Please email or contact me by phone (561.502.1714) for more information. In the event you email me or need to leave a voice mail message, you will be contacted within 24 hours to firm up your commitment. Please note: The process for “signing up” poll watchers has changed and become much more simplified and easy, so at this time I simply need your initial or tentative commitment so that the proper forms may be completed on my end and submitted by next Tuesday, the 25th.

As a special way of thanking you in advance for your help, I do anticipate having a poll watcher pre election day "rally -type" event for briefing and scheduling purposes on Saturday November 5th (voluntary of course) at a centrally located venue and TBD with food and beverages served!

On behalf of the residents of Lake Worth, I thank you in advance for your continued support and service.

Scott Maxwell
Lake Worth City Commissioner

Editor's Note: Talk about shoddy government in action, to use Commissioner Maxwell's words. It proves that any politician will stoop to the lowest of lows to win. Anyone can charge anyone with anything in this country and get away with it. But we expect much more from elected officials. In fact, we demand it. This is HOGWASH, Commissioner Maxwell.


  1. This does not surprise me at all and explains why we have the type of representation we have at City Hall. Take a look at some of the run down properties in Tropical Ridge that have Waterman Signs. They are occupied by people ( I suspect) are not voters.But it sure does make Waterman look popular.

  2. hogwash is right. More people come out to a run-off when there are only 2 candidates. What is unusual about that? One side worked harder to get the vote.

  3. After looking at these numbers I have to agree with Scott. They don't make sense. One of the problems with runoff elections is that traditionally less people return to vote a second time. This has happened year after year and it's one of the resaons why a losing candidate can win a runoff. Three months ago this changed. 700 new voters came out to vote in the runoff. You have to wonder why that happened. Where there's smoke...

  4. the only smoke is that which is coming out of yours and Maxwell's nose. Consider this. Someone worked better and smarter than did Ramiccio's side. Where there's smoke you will often times find a clever manipulator just causing waves and the lie will stick. Plant the seed of corruption as did Maxwell and he will get people to instantly believe that what he says is gospel when in fact it is just more dirty politics.

  5. Lynn, how do you know it's hogwash?
    I suspect you only heard about this within the last hour or so. For someone who prides herself on getting into the details and the nitty gritty, that's a remarkably fast conclusion to come to.
    Maxwell has pointed out some stats that are very irregular and suspicious. Do you have any facts to back up your claim that it's hogwash?

  6. It was Commissioner Maxwell who came out with this huge and very long charge of possible corruption and conspiracies. So look to him for the FACTS. I made a comment based on what he wrote. You don't like that? Well then, support his charges with cold, hard facts of the matter and post them here and prove that something funny is going on with our elections. POST THEM.

  7. Now that Scott has done this I might just change my mind and vote for incumbents.

  8. Can we all just calm down until we hear the facts?
    No point in name calling until we know the facts, which I very much hope that Commissioner Maxwell will provide soon.

  9. Helen at 10:46
    You would change your vote because there is an accusation of voter fraud in LW?

  10. No, I just want honesty here.

  11. Maxwell is doing what he does. He hates this commission and makes no bones about it. What would a different commission accomplish? Nightclubs or loud open Bars at the beach?

  12. Just a thought. Assuming that Scott has done some research on this (can't imagine he hasn't) what's the harm in changing out the poll takers?
    If all is on the up and up, then it shouldn't be a problem at all, right?

  13. A different majority might accomplish higher buildings in Lake Worth, certainly a contentious issue. They have no regard for our resources as they want to build higher or even want to consider that we are dense as it is. I can't even imagine more Lucernes in our downtown. As far as platforms, I can't see anything earth shattering in any candidate's other than the possible question of special assessments. ALL of them running, when asked, did not say they would reverse the special assessment. So, what do we have?

  14. It seems like Maxwell is overly worried here, but the more poll watchers the better.

    The supposedly odd result seems simple to explain: the idea of Tom as mayor motivates people.

    As for higher buildings, it's hard to say if it's the limit that bothers me more or the way it was set.

  15. I just wish that someone was also running against Scott Maxwell, maybe some one good like Lynn Anderson or Mark Parilla, since they live in that district. I would vote for anyone else who was running. I don't vote for incumbents anymore, not many really do much good, look at the western areas of the city and south into his district, from 10th Ave North from A Street to Dixie all the way south that Lake Worth goes looks like hell, and the commissioners and mayor who live in these districts do nothing about the blight and scum. Yes, the mayor (Waterman) has lots of signs all over the blighted areas of the city, I am sure the majority of the people living in the properties where her signs are cannot even vote, she is supported by all the slum and scum landlords of Lake Worth. I won't vote for Waterman and I wish Maxwell had an opponent too, I hate that he will be in for two more years. Lynn, couldn't you find a candidate to run against this clown?

  16. I like Scott Maxwell for many things. When he does something I do not agree with, I will point it out. Being an elected official is not easy. Someone might develop in District 1 as it would not do us justice to have another long-time politician elected like Lowe was. I also don't like partisan politics entering our race here.

    Scott has called attention to the slum and blight and is trying to make strides.

    As far as running for office, I wouldn't be caught dead doing that...too old and too opinionated. Scott Maxwell could be a great commissioner if he so chose. He at least challenges the status quo and the city manager unlike most of the rest.

  17. It's really amazing to me to see how quickly folks begin to throw dirt because an allegation is made that our elections may have a problem given what happened in the last runoff. We all know that Scott does not agree with this commission. He has voted against the budget and against the assessments. He has demanded that Stanton tell the truth and give us the real accounting for all the money spent from our reserves. He questions Stanton and does not sit there sucking up to her like the rest of them do. This is what we want in a commissioner. So now he questions what really happened at the last election and says we need poll watchers. What's wrong with that? Why would anyone say that's wrong if the guy really believes smething is not right. That's his job. Instead some of you are now saying he's out to destroy the city and take over the commission, bring tall buildings, and who knows what else. This is why Stanton wins in Lake Worth. God forbid someone questions reality. Wake up folks. Keep an open mind and wait for the facts. Questioning the status quo is exactly what we need our commissioners to do.

  18. I do not believe anyone is throwing dirt other than Scott Maxwell. Typical Republican dirty trick.

  19. Maybe it has something to do with Poll Workers in the last election wearing Waterman T shirts???

  20. The only question should be do I want to have a clean election with no voter fraud. If the answer is YES, then I should be willing to do anything and everything to ensure there is nothing wrong. If that means new poll workers, then do it. If it means more poll watchers, then do it. Proving that the elections are above board will shut up everyone who dares to question their validity.

  21. The only question should be, does Maxwell have any facts to support his allegations? If not, then no one should seriously consider any of this bruhaha or conspiracy theory such as Maxwell's. The elections are clean as far as I am concerned until such time proven otherwise. Charges such as Scott's are inflammable and hurt the entire process. If he had come out with supporting documentation instead of some rumor or some wild fantastical perception that was pure spin, then that would have been ok. Because the run-off had more voters or whatever is proof of nothing that he alleges.

  22. I have worked at the past two elections as a poll worker. It's hard to imagine that any mistakes were made. Every voter must first show a picture ID, then signatures verified. At the end of the day, every ballot must be accounted for-plus the poll watchers are present, some checking the lists. A poll worker cannot wear anything that would promote a candidate. There is a clearly defined dress code. Additionally, poll workers are not permitted to leave the premises, must bring any food, drinks, etc. Also, nothing can be be brought in (no deliveries). The rules are strict, as they should be, so there is not any chance of corruption. It seems strange that this should all be brought up so close to the election. However am sure that Scott would not bring it to our attention without due cause. Anyway, this should not change anyone's views as to what the other candidates stand for.

    Beth Wolfe

  23. While it's typical in our town to deal with very dirty political wrangling, I think Scott Maxwell has proven himself AND withstood some of the worst of it.
    What on earth is wrong, with his suggestion to have extra poll watchers there?
    How could this hurt anyone?
    I personally believe he has some serious legal legs to stand on, but no- one will know that until he comes out with the facts.
    I think you will all hear these facts soon enough.
    So stop assuming this is a political dirty ruse.
    He's not an idiot.

  24. I guess he is serving some sort of purpose then. Until his call for more poll watchers, I would never have known that but for him, we had so many more people vote in what should have been a runoff that saw a fraction of the people who voted in the initial vote.

    On it's face it is odd. Then when you look at how many people who voted the first time and didn't the second, which is traditionally normal, the number of votes cast would have been fewer for the runoff. Instead, almost a third of ALL votes cast in the runoff were cast by people who didn't vote two weeks earlier. (700)

    That appears to be fact.

    So what other fact are you looking for? Scott pointed out an anomaly and looked into it further. There being no good answers as to why this anomaly took place, he is doing a great civic duty and showing REAL leadership.

    I support Scott on this one.

  25. I am going to volunteer to see for myself.
    Lynn, did you see Waterman T-Shirts on the poll workers anywhere? It was mentioned in a comment here and I would like to hear from anyone who saw it with their OWN eyes (and at what poll's').

  26. Absolutely no campaign tee-shirts allowed. When I campaign at my precinct by sign waving, etc., I take off my shirt before going into vote. In fact, you are not allowed to even wear it beyond that 100' mark.

    There is nothing unusual as the other anonymous poster stated with the election results. You are making assumptions based on what? See? Scott planted the seed that something shady was going on. There are always people who will believe the worst and that is why his assumptions are unfair.

    Get Scott to produce the facts that there was fraud or corruption and I will listen. Until then, it is Republican smear tactics and just another LW political dirty trick.

  27. Who is campaigning or even talking about taller buildings in the city? That's the hogwash. Yet again during elections. Pure b.s.
    Helen is going to vote for Goden and Waterman because maxwell asked for election day volunteers?
    That's what's wrong with lake Worth.

  28. Call Pam they were wearing Waterman t shirts at the polls, and Pam said the rules have changed... Imagine that the BCM wanted someone else to go along with her so that she could get what she wants.........

  29. There was at least one pollworker telling voters who to vote for in the last election and there was a problem with pollworkers wearing campaign t-shirts which was reported to Lopez. This doesn't mean there was fraud, but it does indicate a need for more transparency. SOE Bucher should do whatever needs to be done to show the election is untainted. Or maybe the State Attorney's office can come in and look at what is going on.

    I'm going to get a list of the voters for the runoff in July and look at the data myself. Having 700 more voters in a runoff with 2700 total votes does seem unusual.

  30. Stanton will get HER way, or there will be HELL to pay..............................................And No Lynn This is NOT Susan

  31. stole her writing style! :)

  32. No actually I have been writing like this for over 40 years...... She stole mine.......................................................................................................But then there is nothing real about her anyway................................................

  33. Ain't THAT the Truth.

  34. Regardless, having more poll workers to watch over the process could prove to be beneficial and help eliminate fraud.

    One thing I did not read here was all the other elections where the same thing was a concern with many other candidates even the incumbents.

    So lets all just lend a hand and not just watch for fraud from one side but look for fraud from all sides. Just simply nothing wrong with that.

  35. Just because someone suggests that fraud has been possibly committed doesn't make it so. Without the facts, why should the taxpayers here pay more money for this election? So that they can satisfy Maxwell's charge which is nothing more than politics. If it were not, we would have had the facts.

    If "all" the other elections and candidates had problems then why don't they come forward? Why don't you specifically name the problems?
    I am sure that the PB Post would love to do some investigative reporting in this regard. Answer--there are NO problems only those being invented for this election?

  36. As I said earlier, call Pam about the T Shirts being worn by Poll Workers.

  37. I'm disappointed that Comm. Maxwell would imply that there is voting fraud in Lake Worth. And I'm not a Waterman fan.

    If the sole evidence is the number of people who turned out during the runoff election, then he needs to be careful about his accusations. There is nothing wrong with the runoff candidates motivating people to come out and vote in a runoff election.

    Florida's voting laws are already quite strict and do not need to be further strengthened.
