Friday, October 28, 2011

Waterman gets Post Endorsement

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Palm Beach Post Endorses Waterman


  1. Stanton probably threatened Willie that he would get No more stories out of Lake Worth if they did not endorse Her.

  2. Andy Amoroso also got endorsed for Commission District #3 by the PB Post

  3. The post has it right once again. Not a blanket, glowing endorsement, but a great assessment of all three candidates! That's why I will support Rachel Waterman for mayor again on election day!

  4. Heath that's great and this time next year there will be no more City of Lake Worth.

  5. Go Rachel. Just be nicer to people.

  6. Yes Waterman is just what LW needs--another divisive elected official.

    Was it all her hours of preparation or her 3 month tenure that led to her backing the New Assessments without suggesting Budget cuts?
    We are all happy that Waterman wants to cut Electric Rates--her vote to increase Electric Rates--not so much enthusiasm.

    Voting for Beach tenants with poor payment records and terrible credit at lower than market rates----that does show experience on how things used to get done in LW.

  7. If she's serious about being mayor she should give her salary back to the city. Or pay her bills.

  8. I disagree with salary bit. We should want to pay our commissioners MORE, not less for all that they do. Why should they struggle to pay the electric bill for public service. With your theory, only those with money would be eligible, the very thing that people are screaming about--blaming it all on the 1%. A raise of $10,000 isn't too much in my book and STOP the "free lunch." NO more travel to conferences to learn diddly squat that has no effect on our city. NO more expensive memberships, etc.

  9. Yes let all reward the commission for the highest taxes,electrical and water rates in the county. While we are at it let's double Stanton's salary for all her hard work.

  10. Whatever. No sense in debating the issue with you as you are full of sound bites. You give the CM and the commission credit for nothing. Let's pay everyone minimum wage and see what you get for your money.

  11. Not true Lynn, I give them credit for increasing the taxes, and adding assessments. I also give Waterman credit for acting like a spoiled child, and Stanton acting like the Queen of Lake Worth. Boy will Andy and her be in a war if he is elected.

  12. Anon 4:41PM
    You are so wrong. Andy is the biggest double faced butt kissing puss in the world. He lives on the fence so I am sure he will not openly be at war with Rachel if he gets up there, he will kiss her butt and then stab her in the back every chance he gets. If you have known him for any length of time before he started campaigning you would know that. If you are simply buying his campaign bs you are in for a surprise.

  13. To anon at 441 how right you are. I have known Andy for several years and use to go in his shop quite a bit. But I will tell you this, I would not trust him as far as I could pick him up and throw him.

  14. To those disparaging Andy - please explain how your thoughts of him will be a detriment to being on the Commission. Otherwise your comments sound like personal sour grapes.

  15. Well if you want a commissioner who will tell you I will listen to what the people want, I will fight for what this city needs, I will do my best for this city, I will be for the people, and then go and do what Stanton tells him, or go with the flow, That is what you will get If he is elected.

  16. Well if you don't think selling sex stuff or being involved in porn is a character flaw then why pick on Waterman for rising from the ashes of bad credit.

  17. Rising from the ashes of bad credit? What a joke, why do you think she is vying for a raise, and longer terms, not to pay of her past credit card debt. Why does she not get her child support checks from her dead beat artist "Husband", and I use that term lightly, and get out of town. Oh Wait that's right she resides in a friend home, that is not licensed as a rental, has No utilities in her name, and gets to act like the Queen of the Town, Why would she want to leave?

  18. Anon at 7:40, is that what he does on the CRA, goes with the director's ideas.

  19. Let's face the facts. We don't have much of a choice in Dist 3. A porno king or a woman who kisses the CM's butt. At least she did not play politics and voted her convictions knowing it would be very unpopular and might cost her.

  20. Oh, May, you know so much and talk down to us as well as to candidate Triolo by saying that she will understand the fire assessment issue IN TIME? What do you know about it, May? If you and your son as well as Waterman and this rubber stamped commission does NOT understand that it is just a way of grabbing the cash, then pack it in. Triolo DOES understand this May and that's why we need a Mayor who can read between the lines of BS. May, take a long nap.

  21. let see.


    Business owner
    responsible tax payer

    questionable renter
    questionable grant writer
    irresponsible tax payer
    irresponsible in general

    Wonder who would make a better Mayor

  22. I wonder how you know that Triola is responsible at all. Is it because she says that she is? You are just the sort of informed voter that we need in LW and a wise guy of huge proportions. Next time use your name.
    Carl S.

  23. Hey Carl how do you know she is not? And no this is not the previous poster.

    G.B.E. II

  24. I think the Post's editorial board is like me, not impressed with any of the Mayoral candidates so they gave the vote to Rachel figuring she, at least, has 3 mos. experience.

    I'm leaning towards voting for Andy although I worry about whether he will represents the consitutuents of Dist. 3 (where I live) or just be focused on downtown and the business (which is important but I want a Comm. I can call with a problem and get a response).

    Right now I'm leaning towards not voting for any of the Mayoral candidates. I'm not impressed with Rachel's short time in office, I don't agree with the fire assessment (yes I know she voted against it, but she supported it, way to stick with your convictions), I am concerned about her financial history (it is not a personal attack but if she can't manage her own household budget I have great concerns about her helping to run a city budget) and I really just don't care for her personality. When I email her or go by to see her at her open door hours she is not helpful, dismissive, etc. I own three properties in this town, I've lived here since 1999, full time, paying taxes on three properties. Two of these properties are underwater, but I continue to pay my mortgage. I play by the rules and pay my rental license, keep my rental properties inspected and nice, pay my other fees associated with two rentals and she seems to think similar rules don't apply to her.

    I'd lean more towards voting for Pam, but the Post is correct she doesn't really have any well thought out ideas or plans. Yes she has lived her for many years and runs a business but otherwise I don't really know what she stands for.
