Friday, October 28, 2011

Mr. Nice Guy is not so nice

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I did a blog recently on smoke shops and kava shops. Yesterday, a smoke shop owner was arrested in West Palm Beach for selling illegal sythetic marijuana to an undercover agent. Read about it here.

I have been told that this product called Mr. Nice Guy is also being sold at one of our Lake Avenue stores. Some of the ingredients in these products such as "Spice," "k2" and "Mr. Nice Guy" were made illegal on March 1. Alert citizens have reported incidents to the FBI, PB County Sheriff as well as to a few city commissioners.


  1. Has any commissioner responded?

  2. Is this what the BCM and the BCCE are smoking?

  3. They are probably smoking it at the Kava Bar

  4. As far as I know, only one Commissioner responded to an outraged citizen and was told it was not the concern of the commission but law enforcement.
