Wednesday, October 26, 2011

US County lets illegals use Mexican ID's

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To slash deportations and arrests for traffic offenses or lacking identification, law enforcement agencies in a major U.S. county are accepting Mexican consular cards—determined by the FBI to be unreliable and highly susceptible to fraud—as valid ID.

The move comes just a few days after an Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) union official told Congress that agents have been ordered not to arrest illegal aliens who don’t have criminal convictions, even when they’ve been deported by a judge. Chris Crane, president of a union that represents ICE officers, revealed the mandate while testifying before the House Judiciary Subcommittee on Immigration last week, according to a news report.

The outrageous federal decree is clearly part of President Obama’s stealth amnesty plan that’s already spared thousands of illegal immigrants from removal and will surely allow many more to remain in the U.S. To further the cause, California’s Sonoma County is officially accepting the fraud-prone Mexican card known as matriculár consular ID to shield illegal aliens from federal authorities.

Read the rest of the story at The Moral Liberal (sounds like an oxymoron).

1 comment:

  1. Even with legal documentation what about the wives and the children that they have while working here.
    Keeping track of them is costing us a fortune.Plus they send the TAX free money back to the country they came from.What a mess and Obama wants to give them more.I tired of it all. Obama must go and the sooner the better.
