Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Michael Moore - Phony Baloney

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Moore, estimated to be worth about $50 million, says he is NOT part of the 1%. He is a phony schmuck just like the rest of the occupiers.

1 comment:

  1. I find it amazing that the “occupiers” aren’t at all interested in protesting their representatives in Washington that voted to give our money away and run us further into debt by granting repeated bailouts.

    The media has tried to make this into a story. And once they turned it into a story then everyone and his brother is trying to jump on the bandwagon and get a piece of the supposed spotlight. Soon this “occupation” will be portrayed as a protest of all that’s wrong with the world = the evil capitalists, the people who have more money than I do, the schools that force me to have a major, the people that don’t obey pooper scooper laws, having to clean up after yourself at Panera’s, airbags that kill innocent children in car accidents, the short yellow traffic lights before it turns red, the waiters that now have to tell you their name before they take your order, having to leave those damned tags on my furniture, the new rear-view mirror technology in cars that dims so much at night that you can’t see the traffic behind you, TV ads that tell you it’s OK to eat spicy foods if you take an antacid pill afterwards, spilling ketchup on that brand new shirt.

    Yeah, I’m mad as hell and I want someone to sit in a park and protest about it!!!

    The press does its schtick and we the public eat it up and think, “hey, these protestors really have something there…if they could only figure out what it is that they’re protesting we might solve the world’s problems”
