Thursday, October 20, 2011

This is What it's all about, Folks

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  1. This sounds horrible. I wonder if she was born in this country? Is it a culture thing the way she is raising her children? Is she poor? Does she already receive gov. assistance? Where is the father?

    I am afraid there are a lot more of these cases around here that go undetected. There is so much blight in the western and southern parts of the city, just deplorable conditions that this is not that much of a surprise. Recall the conditions that were found a few years ago when they had to shut down an entire apartment complex with over crowding, unsafe conditions, just a big mess, the city needs stronger codes and a tighter community and NA that can clean this up.

  2. I'm on social security and this person makes 3 x what I do on government handouts.

  3. OK I will chime in on this as growing up in this state and country...When I was a child my mother briefly worked for social services. The one story my mom told me and stuck with me for life, I wonder how much of this is reality in this case.

    Basically a women came in to sign up for child care, food stamps and social services and had 6 kids with her. They took the application and processed it and approved all services.

    About two hours later on the same day another women came in and had 8 kids with her to sign up for the same services and my mom...GUYS My Own MOM looked at the kids and said to the women that 4 of those kids were just at my station 2 hours ago how to you justify that they are your children when the previous woman claimed them as home births?

    The woman at the table at that time looked my mom in the eye and spoke...."you can not prove these are not my kids so sign the papers "bitch""

    You determine what you take from this story and yes it was 30 years back but I lived it and God Rest my Mothers Soul she knew what government corruption was then and WE know what it is today.

  4. That, my dear, is not "government corruption", that is people scamming the system of "entitlements".

    It is the "government owes me a living" syndrome and it is a problem. It becomes government corruption when agencies like ACORN "show" people how to scam the system, and the government pays them to do it.

    They ticked off what government assistance this idiot gets every month. How about government provided birth control or in this case sterilization for the benefit of her kids now and in the future.

    Think about the kids people.

  5. In the past week, we have had the helicopters overhead three nights now, last night again, what is going on in this city? We seem to have a lot of problems, I see police all over, are they cleaning things up here or is it getting worse? I am getting nervous again.

  6. What this baby factory needs is a tubal ligation!Her kids look like neglected pieces of crap,but I'll bet her nails and her weave look great!Eat,sleep,and open your legs- no responsibilities.We all get to pay taxes to take of the kids she keeps popping out!
