Thursday, October 20, 2011

Lake Worth $1.45 million Slush Fund

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The City is mailing out a lot of letters lately. The next to come, is the fire assessment that the City Manager and the Commission passed to make sure, they say, that we all pay our "fair" share. The City Manager is really ticked off that our property values dropped so much that some of us are not paying any tax for services. She has convinced the commission that we all out here are the problem when in fact the City is not living within a budget. They want to spend more than they make. Someone must have been looking at Obama's methodology.

All you commissioners who keep spouting the company line on this, please let us know why you continue to be sucked into the city manager's claim that is really only about blowing smoke? She just wants the cash. Since you did get sucked in, demand a line item in the budget for this money. Do not allow it to be dumped into the general fund so we never can track it.


  1. This really stinks Lynn! I will not vote for any of the comm and mayor now who voted for this. Not this year or next year. This ruins it for Mulvehill and McVoy now too, they are not getting my votes next year and Golden and Waterman won't get my votes this year. I am tired of all these taxes and assessments and living in a hell hole.

  2. Just remember Waterman is for it but she voted against it...

  3. NO one will forget that.
