Saturday, October 15, 2011

The Sunset

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One thing that Socialists can't destroy

The Senate rejected President Obama's $447 billion jobs bill. None of the stimulus schemes have worked in the past. Although we desperately need jobs in this country, we have spent billions upon billions to get double digit trillions of debt.

"The Senate’s rejection of the President's jobs bill proves once and for all that there isn’t sufficient support on either side of the aisle for his all-or-nothing approach," House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-Va.) said in a statement. "With millions of people out of work, I hope that the President will put the brakes on his campaign-style speeches and work with Congress on areas where there is bipartisan support to spur economic growth and get people back to work."

Joe Lieberman said, "To me, what we've got to do is restore confidence of people in the business sector to invest. That's what’s missing in our economy. I know [Obama's jobs bill] has been put forward with good intentions, but I don't think it does the job." Source: The Huffington Post

Obama's jobs bill has been "sunsetted" for the moment but bipartisan negotiations on pieces of the package can now begin.


  1. The facts are your enemy. The bureau of labor statistics disagrees with your baseless claim that "none of his stimulus schemes" (I only know of the one stimulus package instituted, please explain the other ones you were referring to)worked.

    I have to ditch your rss feed as you seem to have nothing in the way of information to share, only already 'refudiated' teabagger talking points and hyperbole designed to pander to the bigotry and fear of the uninformed. Facts and reason WILL win in the end. Ciao!

  2. Oh, are you pulling a Waterman on me? Can't take the heat so you pull up your skirts and run?

    What are you trying TO WIN???

  3. It’s time the Obama administration stop advancing massive government solutions. It is absolutely time they stop lying and find a way back to accountability.

    You are right about Obama stimulus but there was also Bush' Economic Stimulus Act of 2008 that was a total failure. There was a little side-line to the $787 billion Obama stimulus that stimulated nothing. $13 billion of it was sent out in stimulus checks to all the taxpayers in the country.

    And if that's not enough, Obama gave billions of U.S. taxpayer dollars to countries and entities that support Sharia law and/or harbor, hide and support those who want to destroy the U.S. and our allies.
