Sunday, October 16, 2011

Coffee with Mayor Waterman

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There's always another way to skin the cat or
get your message out

Monday October 17th

Coffee with the Mayor is weekly now during this election cycle. The next one is tomorrow at J Street Bakery from 8:30am - 9:30am. If Waterman won't meet her constituents during a neighborhood forum where some are construed as "political," this is the next best thing to meeting people who live in the neighborhoods.


  1. I would be afraid she would put something in the coffee to Brainwash the people of Lake Worth. Or maybe serve Kava

  2. kava, that's a good one.

  3. She is political too, she should be doing this every week no matter of elections or if she gets re-elected, she is as political as the rest. Just watch and see.
