Below is a powerful, lying message from a known fabricator who has sold himself to the devil for corporate greed at the expense of Florida and its environment. The difference in Ryan and Dustin is that Ryan is paid by the evil Chamber of Commerce and other groups that are ONLY interested in their personal wealth at the expense of Florida's health. In this particular video, he is pushing for fossil fuels and perhaps the Republican Party itself. Who knows and who knows about Dustin?
I can't be more clear than that even if it was reported that The Sierra Club joined the demonstration in Washington, D.C. with Socialists and its Union backers. They have a point in that it is many of the big wigs with the money that are ruining our planet, our country and the State of Florida. We can all be sucked in when we don't have all the facts regarding those behind Occupy Wall Street and Occupy Lake Worth or for that matter, any political message.
The Sierra Club was formed in 1892 and has been working to protect communities, wild places, and the planet itself. They are the largest and most influential grassroots environmental organization in the United States.
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA or sometimes USEPA) is an agency of the federal government of the United States charged with protecting human health and the environment, by writing and enforcing regulations based on laws passed by Congress. During these difficult times, Republicans are now dissing its effectiveness and some believe that they are too regulatory. This is one area for which I disagree with Allen West.
This video is being posted so that you can see how effective a campaign can be when money is no object and the message is convincing. He did the exact same thing when he and his benefactors went after Amendment 4. It's just that he has now had years of practice to perfect the fabrication. This message is so well done that you come away actually believing that the Environmental Protection Agency and The Sierra Club are the groups that are evil, not the other way around.
He's called "Lyin Ryan " for a reason!This guy would endorse putting rat poison in our drinking water if he got a pay check.If this guy wants you to say yes,run screaming no in the opposite direction!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteJust what is "Lyin Ryan" lying about? The EPA, along with the NLRB, have become the two most destructive 'non-elected' agencies in our government, with control over all of our lives. Remember, the EPA (as the Dept. of Agriculture) is a the same agency which banned DDT in 1962 and permitted tens of millions of people to die simply because Rachael Carson wrote a book.
ReplyDeleteAs an aside: You think that your electric rates are high now, just wait until the coal plants of FPL are forced to close, then you will find that your electric rates will necessarily double.
Ryan is actually doing the public a unique service by pointing out the sheer folly of the environmentalists.
How much does Ryan and the machine pay you to sit in your Mom's basement in your underwear and type responses everytime Ryan's name comes up on the Internet? PERVERT!
ReplyDeleteRyan, what a piece of work he is. How can he even sleep at night selling his soul to the devil. It's no wonder we're in the stater we're in.
ReplyDeleteThe two previous comments are a unique display as to just how intellectually vacant the left really is. No examples, just feelings.
ReplyDeleteOk now, let's hear what you have to say. Let's get some substantives, not Republican far-right propaganda. Incidentally, one of the comments is from someone I know who is a Republican and very conservative. The person called prior to posting it and I know the politics of this individual.
ReplyDeleteCan we hear (read?) what Ryan is supposed to be lying about?
ReplyDeleteFlorida, 2002. A Case study
ReplyDeleteSierra Club extremists endorsed PETA’s logo that eating meat is animal abuse and is what’s contributing to world hunger. It was at this time that the Broward Sierra News championed the quotation above and used PETA and their message that meat eating and livestock farms, in particular, are what’s causing world hunger and animal abuse. Meanwhile, the New York and Michigan Sierra Club chapters promoted and distributed their “Vegetarian Starter Kit”, by the deliberately misnamed Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, which is a well known PETA front group. These two groups also encouraged people to sign the “VegPledge” campaign sponsored by EarthSave International, as a way to “save the earth” by going vegetarian. During this time, the New York group cosponsored the “Behind Closed Doors” event with the People for Animal Rights, with the sole purpose of vilifying livestock farms and featuring none other than Gene Bauston of Farm Sanctuary.
As with many well intentioned organizations, they tend to go radical with time and The Sierra Club is no different. When it was founded, it promoted environmentalism through conservationism, however, greed almost always plays the fundemental role with radicalism. Since conservationism doesn’t have much monetary return, like the current “Go Green” slogan these days, it’s likely to get worse.
ReplyDeleteIf you don’t know who Paul Watson is, then a brief history is in order. Paul Watson was a co-founder of Greenpeace and founded the ultra-radical Sea Shepherd Conservation Society (SSCS) in 1977 after being ousted from the former, for condoning violence in the name of the environment. He quoted to Access Energy in 1982, “I got the impression that instead of going out to shoot birds, I should go out and shoot the kids who shoot birds”. Watson and his merry band of sea pirates sail the high seas, harassing and sinking fishing boats and endangering people’s lives.
ReplyDeleteIn 2003, he announced that he was overtly “advocating the takeover of the Sierra Club,” claiming to be 3 votes shy of controlling a majority of the 15 member board. When the 2004 election season came around, he made allies with candidates endorsing strict limits to legal immigration. Even though he made promises of using the club’s revenue to address both immigration policy and animal-rights issues, he lost in a record turnout. Despite the loss, he remained on the board until 2006.
Thanks for taking so much of your time to do Google searches to dis-credit The Sierra Club. Go back to your Sunday football game. Take a hike.
ReplyDelete“Childbearing should be a punishable crime against society, unless the parents hold a government license. All potential parents should be required to use contraceptive chemicals, the government issuing antidotes to citizens chosen for childbearing.”
ReplyDeleteDavid Brower – First Executive Director, Sierra Club
John Muir founded The Sierra Club to “Make the mountains glad” in 1892 and is probably the most powerful environmental group in the nation. Originally founded to better the future enjoyment of the wilderness, it has become more radical by promoting anti-growth, anti-technology and espousing populationism. Their priorities now are best illustrated by the animal rights activist and extremist, Paul Watson who was elected to the Sierra Club’s board of directors in 2003.
“If you do not know an answer, a fact, or a statistic, then simply follow the example of an American President and do as Ronald Reagan did—make it up on the spot and deliver the information confidently and without hesitation.”[30][31] In a subsequent book, Ocean Warrior, Watson reiterated this view, saying: “Survival in a media culture meant developing the skills to understand and manipulate media to achieve strategic objectives.
ReplyDeleteThat's what anonymous above is attempting to do here.
It's also what Ryan Houck is doing in his lying ad.
ReplyDeleteGrowth Management & Election reform....Deidre Mcnabe interview and others speakout...