Saturday, October 8, 2011

Problem is Not the Wealthy

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While talking to a good friend of mine just a short while ago who demonstrated at Bryant Park today regarding Occupy Wall Street, his sticht is to tax the 1% in our country who have all the money to make up for all the ills of our country. Read about the demonstration at Bryant Park here. This really bothered me. It is not the wealthy that is the problem. It is the spending and the government waste. It is getting into wars that are none of our business. It is spending all over our globe to solve people's problems when we can't take care of our own.

Nathan Tuccio of Jamestown said, Democrats continue the usual attack on the wealthy. Before the argument came that we didn't have enough revenue, it was simply that they weren't paying their "fair share." All of it simply further separates American citizens and creates class war fare, keeps us from working together and is a smoke screen from the real problem, the government.

The real problem in this country is that our government just spends too much money, money that we have to borrow. Until we address unemployment and people living on welfare their whole life or the fact that we just plain spend too much, we'll never pay off our debt or solve this country's problems." Until we stop the spending in Lake Worth, the government here will continue to tax and assess to get around inefficiency.

"The government must create an environment in which businesses can create jobs. We must eliminate loop holes so billion dollar companies like GE actually pay taxes and not just small businesses. We must start weaning the poor off welfare and into jobs that pay taxes. President Obama could be re-elected easier by fixing the problems rather than by creating more problems just to capture the dependent (public workers, welfare, seniors etc.) vote. The very wealthy he attacks are amongst some of the same people that paid $36,000 a plate for his fundraiser and got him elected in 2008."


  1. Lynn grow up! It is not the spending and the waste as you call it, We are trying to stay in the game with the rest of the world.. The 1% is NOT going to hurt the wealthy, and it will keep us the USA on track...

  2. By "trying to stay in the game" this government has put us so far in debt that we can't recover. Analysts report that China passed the US as the largest economy in the world last year. China is ahead of US with more than US$500 billion. China has tenfold their GDP over the last 35 years. Listen to Trump.
    I don't need Socialists telling me to grow up. Stop outsourcing our manufacturing, our customer service and the whole nine yards and keep the jobs here. Stop trying to take the money from the ultra wealthy to line your pocket to take a welfare check. Fix the loopholes.

  3. Anon at 6:46, is this Cara or the boyfriend or just some other liberal wanting to destroy our way of life?

  4. Lynn for the first time I agree with you. Take away the tax loopholes, and starting giving credits to those who do not out source. I do have to agree with the first poster though the 1% would not hurt the wealthy that use every tax trick to pay little or no taxes.

  5. Dear Lynn, I have to say that I often disagree with your posts, but this one is 100% on point. I am not one of the 1%, I am the 99% they claim to represent, but the whole concept is absurd and Un American. Those protestors don't have to conform, but they don't have the right to make me subsidize their life choices.

  6. ALL of you...

    Go to and then search for rant worth listening too...

    OK its very ROUGH, COURSE and one of the best rants that I have heard that expresses the frustration of all of us and how we all feel about government at this time and age.

    Again it really hard core but worth listening to just once. Here is the link for those of you who can't take the initiative to do the search..

  7. I would be very interested from Anonymous at 10:42 wherein you say "Lynn, I often disagree with your posts..." or where the first poster said that this was the first time he agreed with me.

    Please let me know what it is that you disagree with me about. Being a conservative with politics in the middle, I usually will take the heat from both sides out here. I want anyone in government to be responsible and stop selling our country down the river and as the last poster gave a link that was previously on this blog, it really says it all and what the 99% of us are thinking. What has happened to our country? It is now second rate and who do you blame that on? Bad leadership from both Parties.

  8. Lets inject some truth to the argument that the rich do not pay their fair share. What is actually happening is that those who rely on government for their subsistence are attempting to begin a class war against those who actually work for a living........for more of the same. This will end badly and anyone who does not believe that has to look no farther than Greece, Italy, Spain and other Socialist countries as they fight for their very lives because of this entitlement mentality.

  9. Case in point is your headline above of Randy Schultz's Op Ed this morning (Sunday).

    "Where in the private sector????"

    We are not even looking at the problem. Politics of diversion.
