Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Lake Worth Democratic Club

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As it is rumored that top local Democrats will be hot and heavy and very involved in the Rachel Waterman campaign, following is the announcement on the next Lake Worth Democratic Club meeting.

Oct. 19th
7 P.M
Pegasus Restaurant
301 N Dixie Hwy

On the Agenda:
Susan Bucher is our Supervisor of Elections and is a very dynamic personality...well worth coming for especially in this election cycle. Susan will bring forms for change of address and absentee ballot. Attending this meeting would be a good opportunity to learn all of the voting requirement changes and take care of change of address, etc. so that your 2012 voting experience is productive.

Also on the agenda is Representative Jeff Clemens to speak on improving the chances of Democrats in 2012.


  1. Obama and progressives are what have ruined this country. Can't wait to hear all about it, Jeff.

  2. Obama and the progressives are trying to clean up the mess 8 years of neo conservatism left us with.
    Who cares what Jeff Clemens has to say about anything?
    Maybe he's going to try to legalize pot again.

  3. Lynn, am I having a senior moment, or did you vehemently decry other candidates who brought in the big gun political parties to back them?

  4. I'm a democrat. Waterman is the type of dem who gives us a bad name. I didn't vote for Clemens either. He's a do nothing! Wake up people. Do not support someone because they are with your party. This goes for Reps and Dems. Wake up!


    Our elections are non-partisan and therefore I do not want to see any big guns involved in our election.

  6. Damn, I love when one side points the finger at the other when history dictates that both sides have been both on mark and off mark....you morons just rally, plead and beg for your party because you believe the stupid be-rage of emails that your party sends you which is also know as propaganda.

    Can you please take the time to actually read, study and even greet and meet the candidates to understand fully what they are about? I do...can you?

    I agree Lynn we do not need "big guns" for our local elections because frankly Rep's and Dem's do not need to make our local government split any more than our local citizens already do it.

    Hey folks we all want a better place to live and the majority agrees on this.

    Guns down for local elections and power up for state and national!

    BUT Vote or keep your thoughts to your self and that we all know we all mean!

  7. Lynn, Look what there is posted on the PC County Democratic Club's web site about our up-coming election. Well, I guess that Gennie's out of the bottle.


  8. WOW--Mark Alan Siegel was at her 1st victory party. This all started when Sid Dinerstein of the Republican party pulled this crap in our local elections supporting Scott Maxwell.
