Wednesday, October 19, 2011

The Great Flip Flop - Grabbing the Cash

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First I voted for it
Next I voted against it
I am still for it
but I voted against it

The fire assessment has always been nothing more than a sham on the people. It is a money grab, as Pam Triolo says. However, the City won't tell you that. They can't tell the truth as they must make up a legal reason to steal your money. Property values fell again this year by 3.57% and the City needs to make up the money somehow, someway. They have spent all sorts of your tax dollars to figure out new ways to collect revenue.

Last night Waterman said, "The assessment is fair but I will be voting against it." We all knew what the outcome would be with Chris McVoy back on the dais. It would be really very stupid to vote for a tax of this nature when you are running for election. The only problem here is, we all know what the mayor did. She tried to "play" us but didn't fool a soul. Next we will see that on literature--I did NOT vote for the fire assessment. There is nothing fair about this money grab, Mayor.

At least we didn't have to listen to them tell us that 1/3rd of the people in this city do not pay taxes. We did hear from Maxwell that the city gets no tax off of 1,000 properties, like that's all of our faults. (They still voted for the free lunch though with NO discussion) I love the fact that my property dropped 17% this year...just giddy as hell about that. We had to listen to, once again, about response time and why that is the reason that people are taxed the same. We had to listen to who all they will tax; schools were mentioned again when in fact, schools will be exempt the last time I checked. This is for a PENSION, commissioners. This is not fire services. Do you get even that?

They answered to the various new positions that are in the budget and were queried about all those making over $100,000 a year. The Vice Mayor, Suzanne Mulvehill, even went so far to tell us that we lost a $250,000 grant because we had no Marketing Development Director. No commissioner, we lost the grant because we could not come up with the matching funds. Look to your city manager for that one.

All they had to do was delay a capital improvement but no, they wanted that cash way too much.

As resident Marshall Pass declared from his chamber pew, "Remember November 8.

Note: The fire assessment (really a tax) passed on a 3/2 vote, Maxwell and Waterman dissenting.


  1. People, you have been played. This is just the beginning of a tax that will never go away. There will be many more assessments in your future. Anytime Lake Worth needs cash, another tax will pop us. They don't have to manage a real budget. The Lake Worth cookie jar (taxpayers) is a bottomless pit.

  2. "Last night Waterman said, "The assessment is fair but I will be voting against it." We all knew what the outcome would be with Chris McVoy back on the dais. It would be really very stupid to vote for a tax of this nature when you are running for election. The only problem here is, we all know what the mayor did. She tried to "play" us but didn't fool a soul. Next we will see that on literature--I did NOT vote for the fire assessment. There is nothing fair about this money grab, Mayor."

    She is just a joke! Do we want her at the helm for another two years?

    I am voting for Pam, 90 days of this clown is enough. She is another that cannot even return calls or e-mails, she is only for the Guats and the anarchists in this city, she has really stunk as mayor.

    Lynn, there will not be many more of these taxes if we fire the city manager and get new elected officials that can cut all the waste and free lunches.

  3. "The Lake Worth cookie jar (taxpayers) is a bottomless pit."

    Lynn recall why we have this Occupy Wall Street now? It is due to corporate greed and a government given into big business, we are rebelling now, we can change this, we must!

  4. What does response time have to do with padding the pension. If we don't pad the pension the fire fighters will take their sweet time responding? Come on, this is laughable, pension padding is not a service. This is illegal and there will be litigation and the City will lose costing me more in litigation costs but I'll get my $120 back since I'm being assessed for two structures on my property.

  5. ah, damn...had not thought about law suits. Next we will be assessed for those. It's endless revenue folks. Just think about it. God, Stanton is a genius.

  6. Gotta love the BCM and BCC.
