Friday, October 21, 2011

Gaddafi - A Brutal end to a Brutal Dictator

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Muammar Gaddafi’s Ukrainian nurse tells The Daily Beast’s Anna Nemtsova she’s devastated by the ex-Libyan dictator's death and considers him a “brave hero.” The nurse, Oksana Balinskaya, went to work for Gaddafi at the age of 21 and cared for him until last February, when she returned to Ukraine. Balinskaya says she has “only warm feelings for him” and is sad “nobody was next to him on his last day.”

It is estimated that the U.S. has spent up to at least $1 billion to take Gaddafi out. Global Public Square says: The exact amount the U.S. has spent in Libya to-date has not been released. Yet, according to the Pentagon, the cost through July 31 was $896 million. If costs have been sustained (about $6.6 million a day) then the total now would be $1.05 billion.

Micah Zenko at the Council on Foreign Relations runs the numbers from available data and comes up with $1.1 billion.

Read about it at The Daily Beast and see shocking video that has been circulating world-wide below.


  1. I think it is sick as a society that we celebrate a murder and death like this. We did it with Osama bin Ladin too, it is sick. God would not like this at all. Yes, maybe these people were bad, but doing this and celebrating this way is very sad and sick.

  2. Bin Laden was killed by Navy Seals in a fight--this was war when he did what he did by killing 3,000 of our people. I don't feel sorry for that SOB at all.

    Gaddafi was killed by his own people. It was disgusting and something that never would have happened in this country. I found it appalling. But it's hard to discuss because I actually have no idea of all the brutalities they might have suffered under him.

    They are both gone and the world is better off. We can't let the criminals rule.

  3. Lynn, I agree and with anony above. It was awful to see in spite of the fact he was an awful person. As the nurse pointed out, he was nice to her.

  4. Please, don't forget this crazy lunatic brought down Pan Am flight 103 a bomb, killing all 243 passengers and 16 crew members plus killed people on the ground and destroyed houses.

  5. Russ has an extremely wrapped and short sighted sense of the real world.

    Supporting the current administration in the realm of foreign policy is quite possibly the dumbest thing that the US can do at this point in time. Eliminating Dictators may seem wonderful to Russ and his lefty friends, but he will come to rue the day that this happened. Gaddafi, Saddam, Assad and the remaining dictators could be controlled by the threat of force and by $$$$$, but their successors cannot (i.e., the Muslim Brotherhood).

    Within the span of a few short years we will see a war in Europe that will be worse that both World Wars and twice as deadly. Nostradamus predicted this (he was a few years off) but the seeds have been planted by the overthrow of these regimes during the Arab Spring and the American Autumn.

    Israel is in a fight for its very existence and America is only a few short years away from the same. The Occupy Wall Street radicals will persist until they can force another Kent State occurrence and few if any realize that they are simply pawns for Soros and Obama.

    Whatever Russ and his Socialist/Communist co-hearts may think, this is coming, and West, Rubio and other right-wing zealots are the only defense against this onslaught to our way of life and our very freedom.

  6. Wrapped. Nostradomus. Much impending doom. WWIII in Europe. Death to Israel. See you got Soros/Obama in, too. ROTFPMSL! Watch Beck too much?

    "Lefty" is hardly how most people would describe me.

  7. Russ, why or how can you justify our country even going into Iraq and then spend this sort of money? You say $1 billion is cheap? Over 100,000 innocent Iraqis were killed and over 4,400 American troops were killed--for what?

  8. Not that this will mean anything to a Marxist like Russ, but Glenn Beck has been spot on with his predictions from long before the Arab Spring was first staged.

    There is definitely a coming war in Europe as Muslims begin to increase in enormous numbers. Either the Europeans fight for their way of life, or there will be a second Crusade and the Christians will lose.

    The war in Iraq was wrong on so many fronts, but the rise of the Muslim Brotherhood via the 'Arab Spring' will be so much worse for everyone, including the parent country, Iran.

    In America, the battle between left and right has really just begun. While currently in the infant stages, it will quickly grow and manifest itself as the Socialist/Marxist/Communist/Left Wing City Dwellers attempt to exert their control over the land. Thankfully, the Right Wing Country Folk have more guns, ammunition and food resources.

  9. Russ:

    Glenn Beck has become the Nostradamus of the 21st Century. It is absolutely uncanny just how accurately he has predicted both the Arab Spring and the American Autumn. He must have to best team of researchers on the planet. Love him or hate him, he has been nearly 100% accurate.

  10. Clearly stated, Iraq WASN'T justified, but thanks for reading with comprehension. That's kinda how the last administration made that fiasco fly: keep Americans stupid, distracted and scared. Fear and consumerism... works like a charm.

    But really... Socialist/Marxist/Communist tripe?

    Military family. Ex-pilot. Patriot. Employer. Volunteer. Lost associates in WTC #1. 1%er that supports the grievances of the 99%. Donates supplies to support classrooms running on less than they should in a civilized society. For 5 years, un-paid Special Olympics PR Director. Adopt-a-Family and Hospice supporter. Nature Conservancy, Audubon, Everglades Restoration Advocate, Surf Foundation. Hunter and diver.

    One of the capitalist dogs that helped turned the LWCRA into a viable agency almost 20 years ago.

    NRA Life Member, long-time competitive shooter.

    The sort of things that USED to be considered admirable in a thoughtful Republican.

    You know, before bat-shit crazy came into vogue.

    Good luck with your "new" Nostradamus, CYA in 2012.
    Accuracy is apparently now subjective.

    Back on topic: Saddam was FORMALLY lynched to keep his testimony regarding US/UK/French duplicity from the Hague. Qaddafi appears to have been accidentally lynched by his own people, but wouldn't it have been great had HE been brought to the docket? Most won't mourn either, but as far as true justice is concerned it's a shame the way both were dealt with. Trials would have been much more edifying. Either way, $1 Billion is one thousand times cheaper than $1 TRILLION+... plus 100,000+ innocent Iraqis, 3,000 US servicemen dead and many thousands more wounded. Dependably reactionary Americans made the latter possible. Elmer Gantry Beck and his ilk were right on board.

    BTW, why do all you pussies sign "anonymous"?

  11. Russ, the anonymous poster is YOU. No one knows who Russ is. If you were to sign with the name on your driver's license, as an example, then you would be real. The stand-up guys are few and far between. A few who come to mind are John Rinaldi, Mark Parrilla, Katie Mcgiveron because everyone in LW who reads this blog knows what her handle is and perhaps Mary Lindsey who posts from time to time. So, until you use your complete legal name, "Russ" is just as anonymous as any other pussy who comes here.

  12. Russ:

    I don't know what you are smoking but you could make a killing selling it on the streets of LW. Now for a few facts about the same folks that you say you identify yourself with:

    A survey taken at the protest site in New York City tells a great story. Pollster Doug Schoen, who once worked for President Clinton, had his staff ask 200 protesters to define themselves.

    -- Just 15 percent are unemployed.

    -- Most voted for Barack Obama in 2008, but now only 44 percent approve of the job the president is doing.

    -- Fifty-two percent have participated in political demonstrations before.

    -- Thirty-one percent say they would support violence to advance their agenda.

    And what is that agenda? Schoen writes: "The protesters have a distinct ideology and are bound by a deep commitment to radical left-wing policies. The movement comprises an unrepresentative segment of the electorate that believes in the radical redistribution of wealth, i.e. Communist/Socialist/Marxist/Radical Left Wing Ideologues and Unions" all elements that Allen West warns us about.

    Throughout history, there have been human beings who did not want to compete in the marketplace. That sentiment drives a hatred of capitalism. The American economic system is a meritocracy. If you work hard and do well in your job, you usually will prosper providing you practice patience. If you don't work hard and smart, you will be out on your keister -- unless a union saves you.

    Some believe this survival-of-the-fittest system is unfair because all people are not born with equal aptitude. And that's true. Capitalism is not fair to everyone. But it gives the largest number of folks the best chance to succeed because there are many different routes to prosperity and some disinterested bureaucrat isn't standing around calling the economic shots.

    But the Occupy Wall Street protesters want those bureaucrats. They believe governments have a moral obligation to provide a measure of success and education to everyone, no matter the cost. This, of course, is impossible.

    I respect dissent, but not stupidity (Place your name here). Do these anti-capitalists ever read a newspaper or a history book? Greece and other European countries are collapsing under entitlement debt, and the entire world is suffering economically because of it.

    The Soviet Union fell apart under communism. Cuba is a disaster. Zimbabwe is unspeakable. Every place on Earth that tries to seize private property implodes. Most human beings are built to better themselves, not to throw their talents into a collective kitty usually run by corrupt killers.

    Generally speaking, the Occupy Wall Street crew is comprised of bored morons who want handouts. Every American has a legitimate beef about something, but most of us don't want to burn the system down. The protesters do.

    Then.....and after these moron friends of Russ' have created their Kent State moment, Van Jones will move in with his own brand of ideologues. They will appear to be a much more controlled and reasonable bunch then the OWS crowd and therefore be more palatable to the American public. But....and this is where the true battle will begin, they will have the exact same agenda.

    And anyone who believes that this has not been planned for years by Steven Lerner, and Van Jones, and the Obama cronies has been smoking alongside Russ.

  13. Gaddafi was not lynched that I know of.

  14. Lynch: To inflict punishment upon, especially death, without the forms of law, .......

    Gaddafi was captured alive, but bullet holes kept appearing on his body, seemingly out of no where.

    I would call that a lynching.

  15. Because Russ has displayed such an alarming depth of ignorance, I offer the following:

    Beck appeared on his old friend Bill O'Reilly's program last week and expounded upon his theory that the protests are not an organic uprising of disenchanted Americans, but a global movement with Marxist roots led by several revolutionary groups like the Service Employees Union and Working Families. These revolutionary groups are funded by George Soros and the whole thing is being orchestrated by America's most famous community organizer, President Barack Obama.

    Beck is neither sheep nor lamb, and he does not intend to let anyone like Russ accuse him of spouting unsubstantiated nonsense that he hopes his gullible audience will accept as fact. Beck had hard evidence to back up his theory: a copy of The Coming Insurrection, a book written by the Invisible Committee, the collective pen-name for a small group of French intellectuals and academics, and a copy of the second edition of the publication du jour, the Occupied Wall Street Journal.

    "For two years, I've been warning about this book, The Coming Insurrection. Radicals, planning revolution, global revolution – and they feed on chaos. They destroy everything in its way. They're not trying to reform anything. They're tired of being lied to by the politicians. It's communist. That's who's doing it. It was published anonymously in France and that started the riots that nearly burnt that country down."

    Those riots that almost burnt France to the ground spread to Greece, and then to the Arab Spring, and now, as Beck predicted, they are here on American soil. If that is not enough to make Beck's case, the fact The Coming Insurrection enjoyed, albeit briefly, the No 1 slot on, and that the Occupied Wall Street Journal has exceeded its "kick starter" fund raising goal so far by about 600%, should suffice to convince even Russ, that Beck sort of has a point.
