Friday, October 21, 2011

Agenda - Grinding America Down

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We have the far left and now the far right with messages. Each believe that our government needs change. Dean Taffel of the Constitution Committee says that Agenda 21 is an active, aggressive threat to life, liberty and property. What he says:

Agenda 21 is the "dirty feel good" plan to surreptitiously implement global tyranny at the local level, one city, one town at a time. This is happening here in South Florida RIGHT NOW. We have nightmare stories of people being mercilessly driven off their land and out of business. This all amounts to the fulfillment of the ten points of Karl Marx Communist Manifesto. No one can consider themselves an advocate for freedom and liberty unless they know big picture plan and the basic details of the United Nations Agenda 21 program which was voted for and signed by the President of the United States AT the Rio Climate Summit in 1992.

If you want to learn more about Agenda 21:
Learn Why Agenda 21 Is An Active, Aggressive Threat to Life, Liberty & Property by attending the meeting from 8am until 3pm tomorrow:

Saturday, October 22, 2011
8:00 AM Pompano Beach Civic Center
1801 Northeast 6th Street
Pompano Beach, FL 33060

Another unhappy group:
Palm Beach Socialists


  1. That was a very good clip on Agenda 21, it’s scary what is taking place in our country all in the vein of political correctness. I hate to say LW is at the forefront of this movement of acceptance and tolerance and you are all witnessing the results of allowing this type of direction. Obama and his idealogic perspective will be the ruination of our country as we know it, socialist countries have never been successful yet we are being transformed, government hasn’t proven its ability to make everyone whole ever in any nation, why do so here.


    I have a (Downward) FL Mobility Study done in 2009 that talks about assessments for vehicle miles traveled. They DO want us out of our cars and on foot or bikes.

    It's all in our $300K Energize Lake Worth Study

    T 3.0: Examine parking strategies to encourage and discourage automobile use as needed.

    Gotta Love this one:
    LU 3.0: Buildings will be constructed and maintained using a variety of green technologies and techniques, from locating the building to maximize passive solar orientation, to the materials used in construction, to the finishing materials, to the appliances inside the building, to the furnishings, paint, and cleaning products used in the building.

    Furnishings - paint - cleaning products (Wiskey Tango Foxtrot)

    Just how and why do they want to do this? How will they inspect our behavior? Will Beauty Shops stop all chemical use when this becomes law? Get use to the gray hair, no waxing and make-up well forgettaboutit!

    Pg. 11 says: The Plan is achievable and will put the City on a path to achieve GHG reductions consistent with levels of reduction being discussed at the Federal level through previous legislative proposals.

    A proposal is NOT law besides it's a State NOT federal decision.

    Stack Us - Pack Us - Bag Us - Bury Us.

    I've heard with my own ears at a Regional Meeting in '09 they are planning 87 units on 1 acre only 4 stories tall. Google "Transect" or Smart Code. The county did this and the smart code is touted as a "Trojan Horse" It can change to make the code be whatever you need it to be!

    Can anyone say Solyndra Scandal? 500M taxpayer dollars - gone - poof
