Saturday, October 1, 2011

Florida Gun Law begins Today

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Today is the day that State law goes into effect. We all now will be able to tote concealed guns into a public building.

The legislation says state gun laws override local regulation of firearms and ammunition, and that if any "county, agency, municipality, district, or other entity" doesn't abide by the laws, the official who is responsible can be fined up to $5,000 and removed from office by the governor.

Can you even imagine this at Lake Worth City Hall? Even all the precautions of ten security cameras and the place literally in lockdown with secret codes to get into the interior of the building would not help anyone there.

One good thing about it, no one with a gun is allowed into the chamber where our public meetings are being conducted. They can stand outside the door and wait until you exit. Do you feel safer? Can you even imagine the over-time we would have to pay to the PBSO?

Let's hear from all you Constitutionalists out there and NRA members.


  1. Good!They can shoot out that friggin frosted glass that Stanton put up in her "secret" city Commission chamber.And her secruity cameras too while they're at it!

  2. Nobody in Lake Worth owns a gun. Just pea-shooters!

  3. Maybe commissioners won't be so arrogant and will be forced to really listen to us. Yes, commissioner Mcvoy, we will GLADLY pay that stupid assessment. NOT.

  4. I know a couple of people with hand-gun carry permits. Maybe now they will start coming to city hall meetings.

  5. anyone carrying a gun around is a moron and a dangerous SOB.

  6. A crazy person wanting to shoot up the place would just come inside and start shooting anyway. At least now there will be somebody to stop them.All these anti gun laws do is impower the criminals ,who don't follow them anyway. Laws are only for the law abiding citizens.

  7. Next we'll be seeing bullet proof glass.

  8. The City is always looking for ways to bring in revenue. They can start manufacturing protection shields made of bullet proof glass for all who want to visit city hall. They can either sell them or rent them out at the front door. It might pay for their free lunch and trips to Phoenix.

  9. Getting patted down by Cpt. Silva would be ok.

  10. I like guns but I don't have a concealed weapons permit. If I carried around a gun, I would probably want to shoot someone. Only joking.

  11. This alone would make me er on caution and stay away from meetings.
    In Texas they carry guns however, it is well known that you do not threaten in jest, if you do you might as well be prepared, as that does not go unchallenged. That's how they keep the peace.

  12. "That's where I'm a little distraught, if you will," said St. Johns County Commission Chair Ken Bryan. "Because the legislature made sure that the capital and the facilities that they are in are excluded from this. You know, they can control who brings firearms and all in the buildings where they are, but at our local level we don't have any control and I that's very disheartening and I don't think it's fair."

  13. Betsy, Betsy Ross, help us.

  14. "I’m concerned about some deranged person who doesn’t like what our government is doing coming in and shooting someone,” she said. “If I can go now into the Miami Riverside Center, the main operating office of Miami, or any municipal building — and there’s always someone who’s walking into that door who’s not happy with government. Maybe you put a lien on my property, and I think that’s not right — I can walk in with a gun and shoot you.”

  15. Hey, quit trying to grab our cash and you wouldn't be so paranoid. Calling us "deranged" is enough reason for someone to shoot you.

  16. Ask Suzanne Squire.

  17. LOL. The ano post bout Cpt. Silva is great. ;-p

  18. Crime is actually less in places where people own guns. Washington, D.C., is a case in point. It has the strictest gun laws.

    But who has the highest crime rate in the country?

    Washington, D.C.

  19. Some thoughts to consider...

    A Bit of Background 1st

    Government was designed to Protect Our "Life, Liberty and Property"

    Public Virtue was, is and always will be Key to the success of that Government (Law) creation. (Can we be trusted to do the right thing)

    Past abuses of people made it important enough to put in the -

    Bill of Rights - Amendment II
    "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

    Thomas Jefferson said:
    "When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty."

    FBI Statistics; Gun Ownership up, Crimes Down (Stats back to 1960)

    PBC Law Officer told me, "I will arrive 3-5 min. AFTER a crime has been committed"

    "If Guns Kill People then do Pencils Misspell Words?
