Friday, September 30, 2011

Waterman Campaign on track

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Which is the most egregious?

1) Multiple campaign signs on a yard when you are only allowed two? As we are trying to clean up the slum and the blight and have people obey ordinances, shouldn't the mayor and campaign workers do the same?

2) or displaying your campaign literature at our public Utility building? It is prohibited to display campaign signs on publicly owned property but the City has no actual policy prohibiting literature. When speaking to the Clerk's office she said, "The City frowns on it and we usually ask them to remove it."


  1. Give that woman a raise. Thinking out of the box deserves more pay.

  2. She should know better and she will not get my vote now this time around. She has been a huge disappointment as our mayor, she doesn't want to listen to us either.

  3. On this point, I am hereby pledging to donate my entire first year’s salary as mayor to the First Congregational United Church’s food bank program. It is my hope that when I become mayor and begin to sign mayoral salary checks over for the benefit of our neighbors and their children who may be hungry, my act of giving will inspire others to also think of those who are less fortunate.

    I also hereby pledge to return my second year’s salary to the city. I want to set the most forceful example I can of saving taxpayers’ money.

    It’s time for change. It’s time to stop being embarrassed about the city government that has mangled where we live. It’s a new day in Lake Worth.

    Dustin Zacks

  4. Rules don't apply to her. That is not really campaign lit. Its a hurricane info thing. But to be honest it's a campaing piece I disguise. We, the people deserve so much better.

  5. What's even worse? The City paid for this. YOU paid for this. LOL. Great stuff.

  6. That is her official campaign photo I do believe.

  7. Give her credit, she is a do whatever it takes to win kind of girl. A true politician.

  8. Do you think that we will get a State of the City address before the election?

  9. She obviously does not know how to play by the rules, therefore she should NOT be allowed to play.. END OF STORY.....................

  10. If it looks like a duck----------
    This is a door knocker. Hurricane season started June 1 so when was this done? It looks political and it is being used as such. These people think they can fool all of us all of the time. Who paid for it?

  11. There was no rule broken. This is hurricane information emergency numbers. Too bad some other candidate didn't think of it first.

  12. I would doubt seriously if the City paid for this. But she must have been given permission from the CM to display it. Let us know, Rachel.

  13. Ms. Mayor is a nut job. Does anyone know how long it takes to become a grant writer or have verified her credentials? If according to her newpaper article "She's back" in the Palm Beach Post, her claim to fame was bungee jumping in the nude was the one of the highlights of her life, voters should have seen what a whaco she is. Please support anyone but her in the race for Mayor!

  14. I voted for Waterman because I hated Ramiccio. I was willing to give her a chance.She is a TOTAL dissapointment. Waterman is a rude little diva that looks down on the citizens THAT DARE to show up in Stanton's house.(Turn on the damned audio in the hallway,Stanton.And will someone please take a hammer to the friggin frosted glass in the meeting chambers)?!We little people bore Waterman. And we make her roll her eyes. We the people are such a drag!

  15. Bungee jumping in the nude? I never heard that one. very funny.

  16. We've been trying to find out who paid for this door hanger, but no one is giving up the information. Waterman has been using this in her door-to-door campaigning so it is campaign material. Wonder who paid for it and if she has claimed that contribution? If taxpayers paid for it, lets tell the officials about it. One more thing for the IG.

  17. They must be under the impression that each person who lives in the house is allowed one sign.

  18. How can you remotely respect a Mayor who has put up MORE than the allowable campaign signs up like that? She does not have to follow the rules? Maybe we should not follow the rules...Other than Scott the rest of this commission is a Huge disappointment to the people of this city.

    No more smoke and mirrors people! Vote for change in November and start getting this commission turned over to people who 1. Care about Lake Worth and our history, 2. Care about the people and want to promote a better way of life and 3. Who will listen to all groups in the city and not just one small group of people...

    And once we get this commission changed we will then need to work on the volunteer boards and get the right people and mix on those boards as well. I would guess with a commission that will actually weigh what any of the volunteer boards recommend then you will get better qualified applicants...

    And future commission when deciding on appointee's to these boards consider the back grounds, the dedication and not just who will do your bidding! Enough with the politics already.

  19. The mayor will say that this is public information. She needs to learn the name of our Utility and how to spell the word sheriff.

  20. According to het new campaign flyer she says she has been working vigorously to increase civic participation. WTF????
