Saturday, October 22, 2011

Fire assessment

From the City Manager's Report dated October 21, 2011:

On October 18, 2011 the City Commission approved an assessment for fire rescue services. Bills will be sent to all property owners in November. Proceeds of the fire assessment will be used to pay the City's direct costs of fire services, primarily the City's fire fighters pension costs. The annual cost of the assessment will be $60 for residential units, 13 cents per square foot for commercial property, 9 cents per square foot for institutional property and 2 cents per square foot for industrial property.

This is just a reminder which will be constant and on-going. You would think that the city manager wants this majority on the dais to turn around, wouldn't you?


  1. The CM want then to turn around? Why she has them wrapped around her little finger.. What she wants she gets, and remember City Hall is now being called Stanton's House

  2. The CM is getting just what she want's why would she want change?
