Saturday, October 22, 2011

Cost of Lake Worth June/July Special Election

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Please send Rene Varela the bill for $40,729.

Costs associated with the June and July Municipal Elections

On May 3, 2011, Vice Mayor Mulvehill announced that at 4:00 PM that day, Mayor René A. Varela had resigned from the Office of Mayor. In accordance with Article III, Section 5 of the City Charter, a special election to fill the unexpired term was held on June 28th and run-off election held on July 12, 2011. Since then, there had been much speculation and curiosity as to the costs associated with both elections. The City Clerk's Office advised that, since the June 28th election coincided with the Town of Lake Park's special elections, the costs associated with the County Supervisor of Elections Office services were shared. The following information was provided:

June 28th special election resulted in a total voter turnout of 2,507 or 16.24% for a total cost of $22,345:

Total cost for advertisement - $2,463
Voter equipment delivery - $883
Supervisor of Elections service - $6,058
Ballot printing - $1,920
Polling location rental - $1,550
Pollworkers including mandatory training - $9,321

July 12th run-off election resulted in a total voter turnout of 2,727 or 17.62% for a total cost of $18,384:

Total cost for advertisement - $741
Voter equipment delivery - $883
Supervisor of Elections service - $7,014
Ballot printing - $1,180
Polling location rental - $1,550
Pollworkers - $6,966
Translation services - $50


  1. Someone should tell Waterman Not to put political fliers in mail boxes it is against the law.. Oh wait the law Oh Wait the law does not apply to Her

  2. What happened to all those fools when Ramiccio was running who said Rene did the right thing. Singing a different tune now.

  3. Damn all of you did you really miss the meaning of this post? Honestly are you all just.....regardless read the article that Lynn posted...The expense just does not justify the out come.

    AND justify the current rule of government do you really feel that this current rule represents you? YOU the people?

    I don't think that is how you "joe public" feel so I plea to you to ask your fellow Lake Worth Voting Public to step up and Change our governing body to one that understands the complexities of this city.

  4. Will the Mayor be at the Playhouse tomorrow night? Or is she still in hiding??????????????

  5. Can someone PLEASE just send Varela a bill,just a fake one, just to let the A-hole know that we will never forget what a JERK he was?
