Saturday, September 10, 2011

Lake Worth Power and last night's football

Our very own Recreation Manager also coaches
for Lake Worth high School
We were ahead 7/0 when the game was called to
be played tonight at 6pm.

Got home from the rained out football game last night between Lake Worth and PB central. Every time we have severe weather like this I worry about our power. I thought about it the entire time that the rain was coming down in buckets and as lightning lighted up the entire sky--what a light show it was.

Best Buds
We were all huddled in the school's cafeteria with hundreds of kids.
What a trip that was.

All power was on at my home other than my computer. It had turned off during the storm. Must have been one of those little flickers that happen from time to time and something I constantly worry about in spite of that surge protector. Considering the extreme weather last night, I was grateful.

Usually when the power goes out the excuse is an Iguana or something equally as mysterious.

  • 08/30/11 @ 11:39 26B1W05 Tripped / Closed affecting 4680 customers momentarily. Event was caused by weather
  • 08/31/11 @ 16:32 4A0702 Tripped / Closed affecting 350 customers momentarily. Event was caused by weather
  • 08/31/11 @ 17:05 4R1501 Tripped / Closed affecting 500 customers momentarily. Event was caused by weather
  • 09/01/11 @ 09:55 26B1E12 Cycled and Locked Out affecting 5150 customers. The cause of the event is still being investigated, relays are being downloaded. The event started @ 09:55 - 10:41. Total outage time 46 minutes.
  • 09/01/11 @ 09:55 4A3S03 which is the 4kV Under built for the above event also Tripped / Closed affecting 800 customers momentarily. This event is in conjunction with the above event on 26B1E12.
We will be back at Lake Worth High School tonight to witness a victory, hoping for favorable weather and no power outages.

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