Friday, September 9, 2011

Florida Voters Win One - Amendment 6

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We wanted you to be among the first to know.

A federal judge in Miami this morning ruled that Amendment 6 does NOT violate the US Constitution and that those incumbent politicians who want to be able to keep drawing districts for their own political advantage won’t be allowed to do that any more. They must follow the law.

The ruling came in the now infamous suit funded with our taxpayer dollars. The court told the Florida Legislature, and Reps. Corinne Brown and Mario Diaz Balart, that politicians are just going to have to follow the rules for redistricting that the voters put into the Florida Constitution – and not draw districts to favor themselves.

This is a huge victory. But do not think for one minute that these politicians will stop trying to avoid the will of the people. Today’s losers have already said that they will appeal. Are you going to let them get away with this nonsense? Will you help us continue to fight?

You have been a big part of this effort and you deserve a round of applause for your help in getting the FairDistricts amendments this far. But we have to overcome much more resistance before we have fully implemented fairness standards. Please help by contributing today!

Thanks for everything and have a great weekend!

Jackie Lee


  1. THIS is AWESOME and I applaud! Cheer and Revel in the win....

    What now? Is there another loop hole for the politician to continue being and doing what they do?

    I hope this is the start of the end of business as usual! Can we bring #4 back into play?

  2. This decision marks the seventh time that Florida politicians have tried to defeat the people's amendments in court -- and seven times the people of Florida have prevailed.

  3. What will happen to Alcee Hastings?

  4. Corrine Brown from Jacksonville and Mario Diaz-Balart say they are still going to fight this. People, if you live in their districts, vote THEM OUT.
