Saturday, September 24, 2011

Don't Ask, Don't Tell

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Booing of Gay Soldier

Tony Plakas, Executive Director of Compass, stated, "I think what people will remember is that group (of Americans there) was booing a member of the U.S. military."

I always said--if I were born black, I would be at the front of that bus. If I were gay, I would be doing exactly what Tony is doing. However, sometimes it is impossible to see anyone's point, whether right or not, that differs.

Rick Santorum said that injecting social policy as well as sexual activity has absolutely no place in the military and should not be an issue. "Social experimentation in the military is tragic," he said. "Sex should not be an issue," he further stated.

The gay community made a big deal of the booing when Stephen Hill, gay soldier, asked his question. When you listen to the tape, there was little booing and that was blown out of proportion. There was, however, a lot of clapping after Rick Santorum spoke to the issue.


  1. Compass ia much needed and necessary organization in this community but some of its leaders are self serving!

  2. I thought that this blog would be too hot to handle in this community.

  3. Lynn, Do Not Think It Is Scary

  4. There was nothing wrong with don't ask, don't tell. Sexual preference should not be an issue just like Santorum said.

  5. If I'm depending on somebody to watch my back in a combat situation, I really don't give a crap WHAT they have going on below the waist!!

  6. As long as they keep it to themselves, no problem. So what was wrong with don't ask, don't tell?

  7. You are right anon at 2:45 but why does it have to be discussed at all? Just enlist and get on with it and keep your private life private. Thanks.

  8. We need equal rights for ALL people but some gay leaders in our LW community speak out of both sides of their mouths! You can't sell your soul to the devil and then stand proud as a gay leader!

  9. Kissing the devil's @&#^ gets a $250,000 loan and a $250.000 air conditioner!
