Thursday, September 1, 2011

Bike Lanes and all the "necessary" stuff

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With not a Pot to P in, we did find money to stripe lanes for bicyclists. This is just another example of spending that was unnecessary. We could have taken this $50,000 and given the poor a break from this unjust fire/rescue special assessment or even put it towards saving some shuffleboard courts for the Seniors. $50,000, just $22,000 to go...Screw the poor. Next I will hear that the money was from the CRA or the DEP or EPA or something. Now they are looking to get a trolley to take people from our downtown to bonfires on the beach. If you're going to get a trolley, I am with the Mayor, get it first for the elderly who do not have transportation to the grocery store.

I had to chuckle when I saw this in our downtown--just enough room for a car to navigate. I visualized an accident waiting to happen here as Joe Blow opens his car door, and SPLAT, down goes a biker who then gets run over by a car. With my luck, it probably would be my car.

A ghost in a ghost town looking for the downtown bike lane.
If they put in pay stations and change parking hours, he
won't have to worry.

1 comment:

  1. I guess bike lanes are a lot cheaper than sidewalks, so many will walk in them too since we have a lot of missing sidewalks around town. What upsets me is they take away all the parking on 2nd Ave north for two way traffic and bike lanes, displacing more parking spots and people who used to park there without any consideration for us. We have lots of areas just between Lake and Lucerne in the western downtown that do not have sidewalks on either side of the road and you have to walk int he road, but the city could care less about the immigrants who do this anyway. It seems like the city caters more to the anarchists and hippies than to the common folks or immigrants. There is just so much waste in this city. What bang do we get for our buck, that we live close to the ocean I guess?
