Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Kinky in Lake Worth

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Whipped into a frenzy

Lake Worth: A man discovered his laptop computer and Xbox 360 missing from his residence in the 300 block of North K Street. He told a deputy he lets a female friend use his apartment for dominatrix activities with an unknown man, as she lives at home with her parents. He said she had used his apartment multiple times in the past, and nothing went missing. He was unable to contact the woman, but he provided deputies with her name and date of birth.

Read the other police blotters.

1 comment:

  1. Honestly, I have traveled up and down the eastern seaboard, gone to Mexico and even visited our western states....These stories are VERY mild compared to what happens in other places.

    With that said.....I remember a saying that always comes in handy.

    "You just can't fix Stupid"

    When you read these types of things you have to remind yourself that...

    One your not in that catagory (before you make that statement think back and pin point a time in life that you were)

    Two you would never conceive of such things (think about your early 20's and think of something you did just so similar)and....

    Three, Thank the good Lord above that you matured and wisdom took over and your free from the hands of stupidity....

    NOTE: Maturity does not happen for everyone. Some people just remain that way which is a sign of "stupidietious omongus syndrom" and If you have a friend or family member suffering from this very serious illness.....Treatment is very simple.

    Block thier phone numbers and forget to give them your new phone numbers....and at family gatherings suggest that you will be back with your phone numbers as you can't remember them at the moment. (DO NOT GO BACK)
