Thursday, July 7, 2011

We don't want to go backwards in Lake Worth

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The Lake Worth Herald, as we know, has endorsed Tom Ramiccio. No one knows why really. The editor has said that if we are happy with the way things have been going over the last four to five years, then vote your conscience, which does not mean their endorsed candidate.

I can tell you right now that I have NOT been happy with our commission until now. Four or five years ago, we had the likes of Retha Lowe and Dave Vespo, two commissioners that did a lot of damage to our city. Back in 2006, Cara Jennings beat out a big business candidate, George Goyanes who was financed and backed by the Hispanic community, developers and "big sugar." Cara was the one commissioner who thoroughly did her homework and she was in office for 4 years.

In 2007, we ended up with Jeff Clemens as mayor. Everyone knows how he ended up as a "leader." John Jordan was a smarter guy and Mark Drautz was too caring and too ethical to lead this crazy city. He let himself be jerked around by the bullies.

So, I can agree with The Lake Worth Herald. I do not want to go back to much of anything or anyone over the past 4 to 5 years. We now have smart commissioners who are all leading the city in the right direction.

So, listen to the Palm Beach Post endorsement for Mayor--Rachel Waterman.


  1. can't wait for the chicken's, maybe we can get goat's too.....

  2. Chickens... goats... let's add pigs to the list.

  3. Ad yourself to the list.

  4. Explain to me what Hotel the winner of the Street Painting Festival in England will be staying in... This will be awarded by Ms. Mulvehill..
