Thursday, July 7, 2011

Lake Worth man shot

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Man shot in leg on N. G Street

I feel safer.


  1. What were you doing on the north end of town? Auditioning to be a "Dixie Chick?"

  2. Too old, Blaine. Were you one of the guys caught in the sting up there?

  3. Glad you feel safer Lynn even though you are still the one person against PBSO in the city. Someone gettng shot in the leg is a far cry from drivebys where 5 or 6 were getting killed. Right?

  4. For the 100th time--I am not against PBSO. I am against the bad contract. I am against losing control. I am against all the BS that we are safer. I am against the fact that you all compare the PBSO to our old police department where it was a MANAGEMENT problem. How many times do I have to say this?

  5. Until you convince yourself I guess.
    Think about it Lynn the only thing you know about legal contracts is what you are told.
    I guess all your posts against PBSO was just a ruse to trick everyone into keeping PBSO so when Mulvehiil campaigns that she saved PBSO instead of really wanting to cancel the contract you can back her up and re-write history again. Kind of like saving the casino but really not saving it.

  6. Wow--that's quite a little rendition there. Is school out already?
