Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Tom Ramiccio spins Mumbo Jumbo

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Tom Ramiccio does not have the power to sell any city asset

Everyone received another one of these mailers yesterday wherein Tom Ramiccio states the main point of his platform--selling our Lake Worth Utility to Florida Power & Light. He is counting on the fact that the majority of people are sick of high electric bills and will agree with him that the solution is to get rid of it rather than fixing it. People who are NOT leaders take this route because it is easier than finding solutions. It is "let the other guy deal with it" syndrome.

Yes, we know that we have high rates but does Tom Ramiccio know that this commission is lowering the rate in this coming budget? We also know, other than Tom, that we need the revenue from the Utility to operate our city. Without it, our city would be in bad financial shape--ad valorem taxes would go to the max of 10 mils and every fee imaginable would be raised to make up the $10 million dollar yearly difference in our operating budget that we would lose from having our own Utility. We would also lose the income from Palm Springs and Palm Beach County and we would still be obligated to pay off the bonded debt. Our Utility is worth more to us than it is to FPL and we would never again have control on rates as FPL raises theirs to pay for two new nuclear power plants.

Tom Ramiccio's platform is built on a flawed premise--that he alone can actually do anything about selling our Utility. He can't. It is that simple. It would take a majority vote of the Commission to even put the idea on the ballot so that you, the resident, could vote on it. And instead of just Ramiccio making our valuable asset political, he would force it on the entire city of Lake Worth on a political vote. Furthermore, FPL will not talk to him unless the City wants to talk. Therefore, when Tom says that he will begin the process of selling our Utility, he can't. That is one big fantasy and all political hype.

Tell him his platform is nothing more than political mumbo jumbo when you go into the voting booth on July 12.


  1. Tom wants that FAT finders fee for brokering the deal! Just like back in 1998 when he tried to sell off our public beaches and parks.

  2. You and I disagree on many..... many issues. But I have to hand it to you when you are right. This ONE time....

  3. FPL will not purchase the power plant, period. Why in the world would they purchase something that they would have to turn around and tear down. The plant is inefficient and would be a liability to FPL.
    In the Know

  4. You and I agree on just about everything and this is no exception.

  5. Anonymous at 11:57-
    You don't agree with me on illegal immigration?
    You want open borders?
    You must like left winged liberal Democrats.
    You don't like the fact that we are finally negotiating contracts to get the best deals for LW.
    You don't like Allen West, a true patriot.
    You do not like this commission.
    You do not like our city manager.
    You don't like ethical people?
    You love bullies.
    You love trouble makers.
    You love people who have no clue.
    You don't like that our beach is going forward?
    You don't like us having our own RO Plant?
    You don't believe that we finally have professional staff but need to get better customer service at our Utility?

    What exactly?

  6. You have wayyyyyyyyyy too much time on your hands Lynn!

  7. you hit the nail right on the head

  8. Good thing I am retired and have time or I wouldn't be able to write this blog and inform some of you bozos. :)

  9. By saying you are "able to write this blog and inform some of you bozos" are you saying that we who read this blog are bozos and that you are trying to inform some of us. If so I am frankly upset by this. Please explain as a reader it sounds rather callous and shows your lack of understanding of your readers. Thank You

  10. Actually it was a joke but take it anyway you wish. You will always be one of those people who do not agree with me or that the sun comes up in the morning--another joke. :) It's always a good idea to have a little humor.

  11. Tom was described as a cheerleader but then why he is so down on everything? We sure don't want our city going backwards to what it used to be.

  12. 11:57 here... also anon a mooose.

    I don't like "illegal" immigration. Therefore I don't like your BCE taking our tax payer resources to pay for amenities designed to attract a larger concentration here than in neighboring cities.

    I do NOT want open borders. Your favorite little "can do no wrong" girl Cara doesn't agree with you there. Legal immigration prevents the wrong people from coming across our borders. If you or I go to Mexico or Canada illegally, we get no assistance except in kicking us out.

    I don't care for Left wing liberals or Right wing conservatives. I don't think someone should be elected solely because they are gay, black, christian, a woman, a liberal or conservative. Content of character, adherence to our U S Constitution and knowledge of how our little city interacts with the bigger picture is more important.

    That is why, even though I supported Lisa for Mayor, I am now supporting Rachel over Tom.

    That should answer the bully question.

    As far as contracts, "we" are not negotiating ourselves out of a brown paper bag. Our City Manager is tackling the hard items, but her negotiation style lacks. It was his problem when he was manager in Largo also.

    I LOVE Allen West. He IS a true Patriot! I hope he runs for higher office.

    What ethical people are you talking about? Tom was adjudicated "un-ethical" by the commission on ethics. Rachel only has foreclosures which she addressed, not here, but on Wes' blog. Are foreclosures un-ethical? You tell me.

    At this time, I am choosing her ethics over Tom's.

    Our beach is going forward butt was sold to us as something it is not. It isn't what I wanted and should have been torn down and replaced with a picnic pavillion and more green space. The beach is "THE BEACH"!!! The city has always been a lousy landlord and I don't see change in the way they are structuring the new leases. They should be looking for the best deal for the city, not the tenants.

    The RO plant? What I don't like is the way we have done things like spending MILLION$ before getting proper permits. Changing mid-stream and then breaking contracts that were ill conceived in the first place costing US more $$$!!! Which brings us to our professional staff.

    Having the city manager take funds from a Charter required position to have a dozen high paid people answering only to her while depriving our "clueless" commission of counsel as a checks and balances form of government, like it was designed, is what bothers me. "Clueless" because "they" don't even know why this is important.

    How about you?

    Amendment 4 would have been a disaster.

    I love Katie's foul mouth.
    I love being kicked out of our resident parking priviledges.
    I love E and Lake.
    I love getting rid of the shuffleboard courts and can't wait for the the bocce ball courts to replace them.
    I especially LOVE chickens! I think Lake Osborne Drive should incorporate chicken coops to enhance property values along condo row.

  13. LOL.
    Chicken coops would be better in College Park. We don't want them out here. As far as property values go on Lake Osborne, we are retaining our values fairly well out here. At least the condos ahve not gone down in value at the same percentage as single family houses.

    You don't know what you are talking about when it comes to Amendment 4 or the shuffleboard courts.

  14. Hey moose F%%%K you!Katie
