Wednesday, July 6, 2011

PBSO - the steak and potatoes of services

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"On June 17, 2011, we received the response to our public records request. Sheriff Ric Bradshaw tampered with records by committing FRAUD to prevent a records request from finding out what he was purchasing."

PBSO Talk News has exposed what they call a culture of corruption. It further states, "It is certainly nice to know while many people in this economy are starving and can't make enough money to feed their family, those same tax payers are feeding Sheriff Bradshaw thick, juicy steaks at his favorite steakhouse."

When a city has control over its services, corruption is less likely to occur. We lost that at a flick of a Bic. We are happy that the PBSO reduced its costs to Lake Worth again this year, but as we pay for what they call the steak and potatoes of services, cushy benefits and salary increases, it probably seemed only fair that Sheriff Bradshaw got to have a nice dinner now and then. Read it and see what you think.


  1. Lake Worth
    never had a trustworthy Commission,or Mayor, only smooth talking,slick,self promoting, adventurers, after our Commission seats,

    willing to manage responsibly, our different Depts.for approx.95 years we were able to manage and oversee our Lake Worth Police Dept.guarding our safety. Total ignorance,neglect by Commissions and mayors, led to desk duty, instead of street patrolling, to safeguard us.The Chief who allowed that left with a golden parachute and a huge potbelly from desk duty.
    Irresponsible ,uncaring ,selfpromoting Jeff Clemens did not want the responsibility over Police and Fire Dept. necessary components for any Chartered Town, and signed it over ,took away from 35000 Citizens their protection by their own Police and Fire Dept. We still pay their pensions(after 20 year service!!!),benefits etc.and supplemetary payments no other City has to pay,
    Clemens made a gift of that, out of our pockets!Gained political capital,made them politicians.
    The Sheriff's Office seems rife with corruption,(we read!!!) we pay for.
    I still read that Lake Worth's prostitution ,crimes(burglaries,carjackings, and drugdealing, pill mills, etc are out of control.
    Read the papers in the Crime sections!

  2. Oh Dee...
    Lake Worth will never, never be as crime free as some other towns with the way things have been.
    Your belief that crime is "out of control" is drama.
