Friday, July 22, 2011

Quote of the Day - Ron Klein

“Mr. West and I ran against each other twice. The races that we ran were definitely rough and tumble but I saw it then and I see it now - a person who can dish it out, but can’t take it.”

~Ron Klein

The Democrats are still attacking West. They did it before the election, did it before he got sworn in and are continuing until the next election. Sore losers and attack dogs, all of them.

Ron Klein has one hell of a nerve saying what he just said when it was he that swift-boated Allen West at every campaign mailing and television ad, tearing West apart at every opportunity. The voters rejected it all. There comes a time when you no longer want to be a doormat to ugly political tactics.

Debbie Wasserman-Schultz got what she deserved. She attacked West in front of the entire Congressional Assembly--no class, no lady. Now she condemns and is gathering every troop she can find, to support her kicking below the belt twisted public attack. You have tackled with the wrong patriot, Ms. Schultz.

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