Friday, July 22, 2011

Blast from the Past - from a current Tom Ramiccio sign waver

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As Tom has now commented on this blog that he just might run again this November, he still might have some of his supporters like the citizen below who flipped flopped from when he posted this on LakeWorthMedia back in September 30, 2007.

Guess who said the following when talking about the Chamber and Ramiccio!

"Tom Ramiccio like Rodney Romano and Mark Foley never met a Camera or a photo opt that they don't love.

It is obvious that Mr Ramiccio was given the ten (10) questions well in advance and was well prepared to put the Chamber in the very best light.

There were no follow up questions by the Interviewer either by design or he did not have enough information to challenge Ramiccio's answers.

Having said all that, I have a few comments and would like replies from Mr Ramiccio:

He is A political-He did not give recent candidates an equal opportunity for debate at the Chamber sponsored debate. Three sign boards rented by the Chamber and two members were turned over to the Chamber to promote, "Stop The Power Grab."

Mr. Ramiccio should have been able to convince other Tourist Board Members that people come to Fl for the Beach and LW is a major tourist attraction.

He says that he influenced disgraced Newell to give LW $5 million of County bond to LW. We need evidence of proof. Romano said that it was him.

He says the beach partnership is good for the local businessmen, he needs to expand on this and how it is a good deal for the city.

Ramissio (sic) at the request of Burns had the SWAT team try to remove signature gatherers from their table on Friday on the Avenue. Mr Ramiccio is in reality a bully when it comes to Friday night on the Avenue.

The Chamber is Transparent in financial matters. This really needs to be challenged under the microscope as there is a big cloud here. Where did the money for the building come from? Was it not county money to be earmarked for our roads? Who funds the Ramiccio leased auto and trips abroad. Who pays for Burns salary and how much.

I will comment more later but this will do for now."


  1. Give us a hint who it is.

  2. Hint #1: Tom was for Greater Bay back in those days, the biggest flim flam artists around who invoked a lawsuit by the one who wrote this.

  3. It sure isn't McNamara. Dorsey?

  4. Hint #2: He's lost a lot of weight.

  5. It's your old "best friend" Jim Mcauley. You know the one that started all the dirty politics in Lake Worth, the one you stood side by side with as he used his resources to fund smear and whisper campaigns to get the likes of Drautz, Golden and Jennings elected. Now he realizes his past errors, you secretely rip him because he sees what the city's becoming, and nobody cares what he has to say anymore.
    Poor old guy.

  6. It's too bad that he had no loyalty towards his friends and turned nasty on every single one of them. All the people he used to hate, even a former commissioner who he turned into the State Ethics Commission, now are his friends. He used to stand up for principle. It wasn't so much supporting the ones you mention but rather against their opponents who were questionable characters. At least he stood up to Greater Bay but who knows if he still believes that was a right cause. I am glad that he now has become one with God and still loves the annointed one, Obama. We see what Obama has done for the country.
    He's not a poor old guy.

  7. Jim McCauley, yes I saw his photo in the Lake Worth Herald holding a Ramiccio sign. Good show, Jim. You make all your old friends proud.
