Tuesday, July 26, 2011

The Pork and the Rind of it All

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It used to be we had to spend money to make money. Invest in our future; create jobs. But it seems we are investing in everyone else's future with no expectations of any return.

We all feel like we are getting screwed when it comes to taxes. We have our government wanting to reduce Social Security, money that doesn't even go into the general fund as well as Medicare and refer to them as "entitlements." We all are asked to sacrifice for the mis-management of government. Their answer to this mis-management? Tax the people more and cut all benefits. Government gets the pork and we get the rind.

Cedar Falls, Rhode Island is broke and they are asking those on city pensions to take a BIG cut, those who have already worked and retired and have counted on this money.

“We put our money in,” said Walter Trembley, a 74-year-old retired police officer who drove to the meeting from his home in Lake Worth, Fla. “And the city, through their callousness and everything else, just blew it.”

This whole mess has been caused by run-away Union retirement benefits that have put Cedar Falls as well as hundreds of other cities across the country close to bankruptcy.

Here in Lake Worth, our city government is getting creative once again. In one of the poorest cities in Palm Beach County, with the median income per household at $35,123 and 20% of its populace living in poverty, expect higher taxes in order to allow the city to operate along with $5,361,480 in capital improvement projects budgeted in the new year. Union retirement benefits are growing like a run-away train and no one can stop it. The Unions say it's "your problem."


  1. Except for sales tax, what taxes do you pay? You collect social security and use medicare. What are you talking about? You want everone to pay for you.

  2. I worked for 40 years and during that time "I paid for everyone else." That's how Social security works, dumbo. So, take your mean spiritness to the other blog. This blog was not about me. Stop turning your hate into sounding like a moron.

  3. probably that loser up in College Park

  4. Lynn, I thought you weren't going to allow personal attacks. What gives?

  5. I allow them occasionally in order to show you that there are a lot of stupid A-Holes in this city who always stay under the cloud of "anonymous."
