Monday, July 25, 2011

Lake Worth Pervert

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Man tries to kill woman with machete
Can the Sheriff find out if he is even legal?


  1. Well, I guess if he is a sick SOB it doesn't matter whether or not he is an illegal.

  2. Did you even read the article? It says that he lives close to the boarder on Mexico and has been deported before.

  3. Yes, Ryan, I read it but I guess I gave up near the end. Thanks for pointing it out. Another illegal SOB who has now migrated here.

  4. Instead of just throwing this guy over the border ( how many benefits has this jerk sucked up)we need to throw his azz into a slave labor camp for a couple of years.No legal rights -no benefits-just free labor for the country he came into uninvited and illegally.If he's disease free-we get to take his blood and one of his kidneys to help American citizens in renal failure. Remember-you come here illegally-we own you for a couple of years.
