Saturday, July 30, 2011

Message from Allen West - "Crazy"

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Some of my opponents have taken to using that word to describe me. I guess in their world it's "crazy" to want to defend the Constitution and call it like I see it. In short, they think principles of fiscal responsibility and restraint are "crazy!"

Well, here's something that's really crazy: the President and the Democrats' lack of a plan to stop the country from defaulting on its debts.

It's simple. Speaker John Boehner has put together a plan which will reduce spending and at the same time allow us to keep running the country.

No reasonable alternative sits before us. And to this day, President Barrack Obama hasn't put even an outline of a plan on paper.

It has been more than 816 days since the Senate Democrats have even voted on a budget for our nation -- which is required by the U.S. Constitution.

Now that's crazy!

We need to get behind Speaker Boehner's plan. We simply can't put politics above doing what is right for the country. And in the meantime, we will continue to hold President Obama and the Senate Democrats accountable for all they have done to get us here.


  1. Go West! As far away from Florida and the U.S. as you can get.

  2. I'm a BIG West Supporter!!!

    Go Col. West Kick A$$. No new Taxes!

    Cut Spending!!

    The first REAL Representative we've had in years!
