Saturday, July 30, 2011

John G's Manalapan

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Went for a drive down A1A earlier last week, hoping to have lunch at John G's in the Plaza del Mar. It was still under construction and Wendy and her brothers let us in. They are all involved with the build-out which they admit is much more than they anticipated. When she said that, I knew then that we would probably never see them back at the Lake Worth beach. It was a sad reality. They will have one section devoted to their late father, John, who started the restaurant at the Lake Worth beach nearly 40 years ago. So many things are being built-out in his memory.

The space is enormous. There is one side that will be the take-out area as they had at the beach but much larger. People will also be able to wait for their orders on a patio that will have umbrellaed tables. They installed porcelain floors and the benches are being made exactly as their Dad had made them decades ago. The same hanging lamps will be used. Wendy described the restaurant decor as a flair of the old and some of the new. Everyone will see some of the things they have seen over the past 4 decades in Lake Worth. They are making it as homey and as inviting as possible.

John G's Manalapan will open for business (they hope) by mid August 2011.


  1. I guess that means we won't be seeing you down at the John G's Manalapan restaurant. What a loss.

  2. I am sure their prices will be going up to pay for all the renovations, and I am sure they do not have the same sweetheart deal on the rent that they had with the City of Lake Worth

  3. Can you get it straight yet--It was THE CITY OF LAKE WORTH that gave them a contract to sign, not the other way around. Wayne Bergman said that they WERE paying fair rent. Why do you keep playing the same old tune? WE'VE DISCUSSED THIS OVER AND OVER AGAIN FOR YEARS BUT there are a few who like to keep yapping and being negative.

  4. While I used to bring visiting famliy and friends to John G's all the time, I stopped when they started donating money to the political pac that was using lies and deception around town to "save" the casino from greedy developers. How'd that work out? So no you won't be seeing me in the new John G's. Benny's and the Pelican are much better choices.
    Wayne Bergman said they were paying fair rent. Wayne Bergman also said at every commission meeting he was cleaning up the city. How'd that work out?
    You don't get it. Nobody's blaming John G's because they had a sweet deal with the city. All that poster said was that their prices would be going up because they didn't have the advantage of low rent. Don't be such a defender. What did the owner's of John G's ever give back to the city that made them wealthy?
    Maybe you can take Mulvehill and Stanton there when they reopen.
    Let us know about the price increases

  5. John G's might be paying higher rent there. They would be paying higher rent in a brand new building here as well. They are also spending a fortune on build-out. They were in a building for nearly 40 years that was crumbling down around them.
    So, what is your point? You don't want to go to John G's? Big deal. I doubt seriously if they would miss you.
    Why do you think businesses have to give back to our City? Does any merchant downtown "give back?" What they want are no parking meters; no franchise fees, etc. You don't think that any of those merchants give to poltiical campaigns? Right.
    YOU ARE THE ONLY ONE WHO DOES NOT GET IT and you always begrudge a successful merchant for making it and selling a good product.

  6. Wise Ass. Yu must be talking about the BACPAC. It sure is not any other PAC in this city. All you can do is get angry and tell lies. Didn't work in the last 2 elections now did it?

  7. How about if they had been opened for Dinner so that the residents of Lake Worth, and surrounding cities could have had a nice place to go on the ocean for dinner... They absolutely refused to be open after the LUNCH crowd....

  8. John G's for nearly 4 decades was a beach restaurant...a place to go when you were at the beach. I would not call it a "nice" place in the sense of the word describing a fine restaurant, as an example, but a place to go in your beach cover-up and flip-flops. Also, I am not sure if there were any restrictions or if those were all self-imposed. They closed at 2pm. The last customer out would have been 3pm perhaps. then they had the cleaning up to do and preparation for the next day. So, instead of an 8 hour day, it was perhaps 10 hours. All the kids had families too.

    I think you just want to find fault.

  9. No I really just wanted to have a steak at the beach

  10. We love John G's. We have been going there for 20 years. Can't wait for the new location to open!! Missing John G's terribly!!

  11. Good grief! Quit griping and give me the website or phone number so I can get back to their marvelous food!

  12. Facebook page:
    Web site:

    Wendy says that they will not be opened by next week as planned.
