Monday, July 11, 2011

Drama Queen - Tom Ramiccio

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Attempting to tie Rachel Waterman to chickens, anarchists, Palestine, and ghettos, Tom Ramiccio is the Drama Queen of Lake Worth when it comes to lies and sleazy dirty politics.

When you cast your vote tomorrow, be sure he understands that the people have seen through his deception. The Palm Beach Post does.


  1. It is so sad that this blog has become filled with nothing but hate for one individual. You were at the Commission meeting when someone sitting with you spoke of civility and getting along with each other. I thought you agreed with her.

  2. This is politics. I was not the one that came out with the sleazy attack mailers. Speak with Tom about that. This blog has nothing to do with "hate" as you put it but pointing out the facts.

    Barbara Jean likes to see good when evil only exists. I am more pragmatic. Because someone sits next to me does not mean that I always agree with them.

    If Mr. Ramiccio had kept his campaign "civil" I would not have come out so strongly against him.

  3. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah
    You are sooooooooooooooooo funny

  4. Actually, Lynn has been gentle and forgiving with Mr. Ramiccio.
    She didn't even mention the Celebrity Nail case.
    The owner of this nail salon, next to the former Pink Hibiscus, was unable to pay her dues to the Chamber.
    Mysteriously, soon after she informed Mr. Ramiccio of her inability to pay, Code Enforcement arrived at her place of business and told her she needed a larger a/c unit if she wanted to continue operating. She was unable to afford the work and equipment so she closed down.
    Coincidence??? If Lake Worth did not have a long and full history of code enforcement abuse, a reasonable person could believe that;but that is not the case.
    Lynn is just giving the facts.

  5. AGAIN Lynn Tom did not send out those Hate Fliers..................

  6. Awh gee, anonymous--I am looking at one that has the words "genocide" "Zionism hates" and a photo of Cara jJnnings wearing some sort of a gosh knows what sort of burka and talking about the Anarchy Master Plan that is here to bankrupt our city. Now who sent this one out? There are others equally as funny if they were not so detrimental and denigrating and just plain LIES.

    Get over it. Ramiccio screwed up.

  7. Lynn, not too sure that "Lynn's Little Bit of Triva" is an appropriate heading for your blog anymore..

  8. In the final analysis, it is ALL trivia. We are all just one little spark in this vast universe. :)
