Monday, July 11, 2011

Campaign Contributions - Ramiccio and Waterman

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Tom Ramiccio can't get enough of Sun Recyling and obviously they can't get enough of Tom.

Sun companies contributed the same amount as they did in the primary...$2,500, with the same political action committees giving $3,000. Last year Sun gave to Lisa Maxwell and the BacPac that was supporting losing candidates. I guess they know who their friends might be in Lake Worth. A new one was on the list: Friends of Mark Foley. The Brodie's (David Brodie and Laura Starr) gave $1,500 to Tom again. They were not living here when Ramicico was previously in office.

To date, Ramiccio has received $37,225 and Waterman $23,663.17. That is a lot of money for a little city and a 4 month term of office. It proves that some think that they have a lot to lose if we continue with all the progress that has been made to date to keep the city solvent and to finally get our RO going as well as our beach.

We did not renew the contract with Sun Recycling. It has been estimated that it will cost multi-millions to clean up our landfill where they dumped questionable fill and this is in legal mumbo jumbo. We renegotiated the Sheriff contract saving $1.2 million for the next 2 years. We are negotiating the firefighter's contract. We are keeping development heights low. We are proceeding with the Casino and beach redevelopment--not big hotels that you wanted years ago Mr. Ramiccio, but what the people want.


  1. It's much easier paying off a commissioner than going to court.

  2. What has Tom promised Southern Waste? Is this sort of like selling to FPL? Or is it even worse than that?
