Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Message from the Vice Mayor

From the Desk of Vice Mayor Suzanne Mulvehill

May 18, 2011

The Palm Beach Sheriff's Office is doing an outstanding job serving our city. We all want the same thing - to keep the Sheriff in our city. We simply need the Sheriff's help in negotiating a contract we can afford.

Tonight we will be discussing the results of the Willdan Police Study. It will be requested that public comment be directed to questions or comments regarding the study or ideas for increasing revenue and cutting services as they relate to the Sheriff's contract.

When the Sheriff's contract was approved in 2008, it was publicly known and discussed that the PBSO contract was not financially sustainable. We could not afford it then and that was before the economic downturn and the city's declaration of financial urgency.

Providing law enforcement and public safety is the first responsibility of your government. This commission takes that responsibility very seriously and it is our #1 priority. I welcome your input and suggestions on this issue.

Please contact the Sheriff to let him know how much you want to keep his service and to help us negotiate a contract we can afford.


Vice Mayor Suzanne Mulvehill

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