Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Contract with PBSO or our own Police Department

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A lot of craziness has taken place lately regarding the PBSO and retention of them as our policing force. Tempers are flaring and people are standing on street corners (even someone who does not live here) giving out fliers and working against the city management telling everyone that the City is essentially wrong for even having a policing study--they want the PBSO no matter what...that they want to kick out our commissioners and our city manager. They are still angry about losing the last election.

These questions and facts below should have been addressed before we signed the political contract for PBSO services that were decided on a 3/2 decision by Clemens, Vespo and Lowe and certainly should be discussed before we continue on.
  • We can't spend money we don't have.
  • 80 percent of the LW police are now PBSO Deputies which shows that our problem in the past was not the department or the people ..but the management, as I have been telling you for years. So, now, the question is, can we afford to spend $3 million dollars for a management fee to have other people manage our employees.
  • Even if we stay with the PBSO, we need to fix the contract and not pay for services that we already get when we pay our County tax. We are paying for services twice.
  • City Manager Stanton asked them to reduce cost in 2009 and they said it was not possible. But, it was possible in 2010. We are paying more then any other contract city and the "department" is closed after 5:00 pm. Have a problem on the weekend? -- don't go downtown--call Gun Club Road facility.
  • While we layoff employees and we debate closing the library and not having life guards, PBSO continues to give it's employees step salary increases and more money and benefits.
  • With our own police force, we will be able to choose what sort of benefit plan we offer thus reducing costs.
  • Paying Deputies money to drive our former police cars out of the city to their homes encourages people to not invest in LW.
  • With good management and controls, we can and will be able to manage our own department. As an example, we were told over and over that we could not construct our own Reverse Osmosis Plant-- well, we have and we did because of a Plan and employees who can manage.
  • With our own police department, the City is in total control of costs.
  • In order to pay for this expensive policing service provided by the PBSO, will we have to close the library--close the beach--raise taxes and raise our electric and water rates? Close all recreation facilities? We just raised the parking at the beach to $2 an hour to pay for lifeguards and everyone is screaming bloody murder. Per the report of the meeting at Compass, no one there mentioned reducing services or costs. How does anyone expect the City to pay for them?
We all have been happy with the quality of service provided by the PBSO and we like all of the Deputies. And why wouldn't we. Most of them we have known for years and we can count on them. Cpt. Silva, the District Commander, is revered by all.

However, we no longer have to ask the question as to whether we can afford the PBSO or not. I like a good filet mignon too but my budget dictates hamburgers that are just as healthy and just as nourishing.

I want to see this Commission weigh all the pros and cons, be fiscally conservative and responsible without being intimidated by PBSO and Union supporters who have their blinders on ready to cause a riot. These people do a disservice to the City that is trying to negotiate a contract that will hopefully end with one that we can financially manage. If it doesn't, then we will have to take the advice of Willdan.


  1. Let's try to cover this point by point-
    If the city can't spend money it doesn't have why did the commission approve $25 million for the r.o. plant and $6 million for the casino? Given a choice residents will choose to use the money for public safety over both projects.
    If 80% of the PBSO deputies came from LWPD, why have most of the poor service issues disappeared? Management you say? What proof has Stanton or this commission provided that shows they can manage anything? Look at utilites. It's been a nightmare for years and based on the amount of revenue it brings the city and the daily need for utilities would dictate that problem area be fixed. It's worse now than 2 years ago and getting worse. The turnover is unbelievable. Where's the management there? Do you expect Golden and McVoy 2/3 of the anarchist alliance to manage a police dept. neither believe in? Cuz they have certainly managed the lack of code really well haven't they?
    Since we have to pay the extra "tax" as you call it anyway, would you rather pay the tax and have PBSO, or pay the tax and have the keystone cops responding?
    I have never had a problem contacting or getting a response from PBSO, no matter the day or time.
    Who said the beach was going to close? More scare tactics?
    Are you saying a new LWPD won't have a union and the city will dictate ALL terms? Really?
    Why would anyone NOT invest in Lake Worth because deputies drive the patrol cars home?
    What's the status of the R.O. plant you mention? On budget and on time? When will we see our water bills go down, start selling water to other cities and get out from under the hand of SFWM telling us what to do with our water?
    The city will never be in total control of any PD as you claim because there are too many variables involved.
    Anyone can see the report is full of holes and misinformation.

    Anyone of course except those that see Susan Stanton larger than life and wearing a wonder woman costume.

  2. Well, let's try to answer some of your Q's...
    1.The RO plant was covered in a Bond of $66 million that included our electric utility upgrade. Our RO is on budget and it is on time.
    2. Your choice might not be everyone's choice.
    3. Your statement regarding Stanton and the Commission, is nothing more than an opinion and an erroneous one at that.
    4. Did I say that the LWPD would not have a Union? I don't recall saying that. What I think I implied was that we would be able to choose the benefit plan and would have a control on costs. It is the sheriff retirement costs that have become unaffordable. The Fire is even worse.
    5. Stanton is trying to do her best for this city and I am sorry that you do not see that.
    6. This report was a negotiating tool to bring the Sheriff to the table. Perhaps it will work but with citizens working against the best effort of management and second guessing them, who knows.

  3. There you go again....

    The BCE IS very left leaning and whether you call it anarchist or socialist or liberal. the true colors were shown last night when your hero Cara stepped up to the mike.

    Oh what a cruel thing it was to make her come back from a wedding to cast a "no" vote against going to the Sheriff. A vote that would be tantamount to Rene's on any of a number of issues. Sanity prevailed.

    Cara's group were out last night on the corner with a big banner supporting ending the contract with the Sheriff. These are Golden's, McVoy's and Mulvehill's supporters.

    And their gripe is not about money. It's about power, authority and "the man". Cara's group is possibly one of the reasons we HAD to go to the Sheriff. Our own Police couldn't operate without Cara or Joann getting involved. Do you remember them telling the Sheriff NOT to fly the helicopter around here?

    It was upsetting the illegals.

    javier was priceless as usual and he and Cara left arm in arm.

  4. Cara Jennings made the correct vote three years ago.

    What is the BCE? I am not familiar with that.

    Their gripe has always been about money. You sell them very short.

    As far as flying the helicopter around, that had nothing to do with upsetting the illegals. The myth continues and the lies spread.

  5. Cara made very few "correct" votes the entire time she paraded as an anarchist (anti-government) commissioner (government).

    She undermined our real progress by instituting, with help, radical changes that contributed to why we are where we are.

    If not, our property values would have dropped in unison with other neighboring communities, or if she was actually helping Lake Worth, and not just the under-privileged, we could have lost LESS value than neighboring communities.

    The proof is in the puddin'.

    The issue was control alright, but less about money and more about how the police did their job. She has/had NO control over the Sheriff, but being the employer of the Police Chief, she could put pressure and did.

    The decision to go with the Sheriff was the "wrong" decision? What planet are you on?

    The BCE has its hands full.

  6. Well, I'm from venus, obviously.
    WHAT IS THE BCE? Third time now.

  7. I think BCE is an acronym for Best Commission Ever. And no, I wasn't the Anon poster. ;)
