Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Mary Lindsey is Rip Roaring Mad

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Lindsey, a friend of the PBSO and a friend of the Unions, in no uncertain terms, wants the City of Lake Worth to keep the Palm Beach County Sheriff no matter the cost, no matter the financial burden on the City and no matter the horrendous decision made in 2008 by the commission in power, some of whom she admires to this day. In fact, she really doesn't believe the Police Study and says, "I look forward to hearing a collective voice of outrage and opposition from the good people of Lake Worth to end this ridiculous and dangerous discussion."

Below is an e-mail that she sent out last night. She alludes that the city and the commission are leading us astray and calls the present commission majority "the Anarchist Alliance." There is no anarchy going on by our elected officials who all believe in government. And they all respect our right to disagree even Mary Lindsey's right to call them every name in the book.

Sent: 5/10/2011 9:38:18 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time
Subj: City set to send PBSO packing

The City is poised to get rid of PBSO and attempt to reconstitute some lesser version of a Lake Worth Police Dept. The study approved by the Commission has been completed and is attached to this email. The plan outlined in the document shows that July 1st is the beginning of the transition from PBSO with full implementation by Jan 1. This does not have to happen. The numbers and the narrative in the report are completely skewed to recommend this action proposed by our City Manager, Susan Stanton and initiated by Cara Jennings in her final weeks as Commissioner. If there's one thing working well in Lake Worth it's law enforcement and we simply cannot allow this City Manager, Commissioners Golden, McVoy and Mulvehill to cover up the consequences of their abysmal financial decisions by taking away the PBSO. I assure you, this is a done deal unless there is massive and I mean massive public outcry against this.

The study is 161 pages and there is nothing else you will ever read that has more impact on the security and future of our city. Please tell everyone you know. Forward this email with the study to every one of your contacts and colleagues. It's a mass of lies and distortions. It's the final step in the plan to make Lake Worth a haven for criminals and anarchists. But don't believe me. Read it for yourselves and decide. We cannot sit on the sidelines on this one. We just can't. Mulvehill, Golden and McVoy are in favor of this! They have the votes to make this happen. This is NOT a negotiating ruse to leverage against PBSO, this is flat out telling the residents and businesses of Lake Worth that you can all go straight to hell and take your children with you. The City Manager and the Commission majority have a trumped up budget to defend, and an agenda that's pure anarchy and chaos.

I've sent this using the blind copy feature so reply to me if you want to, but most of all pass it on!



  1. The Queen of Melodrama

  2. LOL. I especially like the "trumped up budget" comment. We finally have qualified individuals running our finance department and now our budget is trumped up.

    Where was she when Jennings wanted to know how we were going to afford the PBSO in the future? She didn't care about the budget then.

    Her histrionics have reached their expiration date.

  3. I can tell you one thing listening to many sides of the voices that are Lake Worth, Mary Lindsey is not the only one who is rip roaring mad. It is obvious that important citizens on both sides of the fence have strong feelings against this issue. As is evidenced by posters on a previous story post.Money and politics will never equal safety.

  4. The Idiocy of Lake Worth. It is well known.

  5. Mary Lindsay mad is a normal state of mind, is it not?

  6. Yup, p.m.m., that's why we have a lot of crime. No one knows what the outcome will be of this study. It is a blueprint on how the city can save millions of dollars. In it it states that 80% of those on the Sheriff's dept used to work for Lake Worth Police. Same guys. Millions more.

  7. Possibly effective leadership? Not as TOP heavy now as opposed to PD?

    Anon Y. Mous
