Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Bo Allen gives Fundraiser for Mayoral candidate, Cary Sabol

I have been told that Bo Allen is giving Cary Sabol, candidate for Mayor, a fund raiser tomorrow. Remember Bo last year when an 83 year old gentleman filed abuse charges against him? I have also been told by a resident in his condo building that he is still harassing them.

Cary has yet to confirm this fundraiser. It's Cary's decision to make and weigh the positives and negatives. Everyone is an individual so judging someone by those he attracts or the company he keeps might be unfair. In politics, often times you are cordial to many with different views than your own and you will never agree 100% with anyone. It will be up to the voters to decide who should be the "leader" of Lake Worth.

1 comment:

  1. Cary,when you lie down with dogs,,,just say'in. ANYBODY that has the ego to run in the"special" election"enables Rene Varela's 25,000 dollar temper tantrum to be a reality.I guess this election will crown the ego king or queen of Lake Worth. These people need a thump on the head!!
