Sunday, May 15, 2011

Finance Advisory Board Monday

Insurrection in our City. What else do you call it when a City Board makes up its own rules and defines a calendar year as something it is not. All of a sudden the Georgian Calendar begins and ends in April because the FAB says that is when the Board started. I hate having to come down hard on the FAB as every single member is smart and has something to contribute. But after attending 99% of its meetings, I honestly believe that this Board has been a total waste of time and money.

Under discussion tomorrow will be the Willdan Homeland Solutions Feasibility Study on keeping the PBSO or going with our own police force. This is worthy of the Board's time because it involves the Budget and over $3 million in costs to Lake Worth taxpayers--the difference in keeping PBSO and having our own police department. Notice I said "discussion." This means just that--no vote should be taken until after the workshop on Wednesday and all the facts are laid on the table. There should be public discussion on this before any vote is taken as the public very much fits into the FAB's mission statement.

As no Secretary was elected at the previous meeting, this Board is in violation. According to the City Attorney, proper minutes must be taken or the Board should not meet until such time someone is elected to the secretarial position. There will be an election of a Secretary at tomorrow's meeting. In fact, I believe that the entire election process was in violation as it was not a votable item and no public notice of an election was given at last week's meeting. Robert's Rules was not followed allowing public comment after the second of the Motion during the process. It was all flawed.

If any Board should have been and should have stayed neutral by keeping politics out of the equation, it was the FAB. It hasn't.

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