Sunday, May 15, 2011

Blog Comment Policy

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As it is now election season, I want to remind you of the policy on this Blog.

Anonymous posting has been enabled or you must have an ID: Google account, blogger ID, TypePad, WordPress, AIM, etc. Speak to the issue, not its author, or your comment will be rejected. Do not attack other bloggers who post comments unless they post anonymously and you have signed in with your complete name..then you have my full blessing. If I don't know who you are and you attack someone, your comment will be rejected.

This is not a slug fest for the political factions in this city. When something is written here, give an intelligent response, not a personal attack. If this continues, I will eliminate comments all together. This Board will not become another Lake Worth Talk for some who are a part of a very nasty and vocal political faction that destroyed people in its political tsunami.

1 comment:

  1. We just need elected officials that are responsible, listen to the public, fiscally sound, care, and do more to improve the quality of life of all citizens here. No more mediocrity from these elected officials. We have a great city, we deserve the best people representing all of us. I would love someone who is a little bit spiritual caring about all and our environment and safety.
