Monday, April 4, 2011

Quote of the Day - Jeff Clemens

"We've stuck it to the unemployed already, we stuck it to teachers, we're sticking it to public employees, to women, and now we're sticking it to unions."

~Jeff Clemens

"I walk into this building every morning and one of the first questions I ask my aide is, 'Who are we sticking it to today?" Rep. Jeff Clemens, a Democrat from Lake Worth, said recently as the House voted to prohibit the deduction of union dues from public employee paychecks. Clemens never was a fiscal conservative. Read the rest of the article.

In 2009 alone, unions reported collecting more than $8 billion in workers’ dues. This figure highlights the importance of union transparency. Candidates for public office, corporations, members of Congress all have to comply with financial disclosure regulations. This is even more important for unions, because membership is forced on some workers as a requirement of their jobs.

Read more at the San Francisco Examiner

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