Thursday, March 3, 2011

Man beheaded in Phoenix by Mexican criminals

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More than 28,000 people have been killed in Mexico in drug-related violence since December 2006 and every day these criminals are crossing our border and killing people in the United States.

Now we have a guy who was beheaded in his Phoenix apartment. Will the federal government allow Arizona to protect itself? Will they ever enforce the law?

Read more: Phoenix man beheaded


  1. Good point, but I am afraid our government has lost control of enforcing so many laws, it is no wonder Arizona felt they had to do they, or at least some there.

    On our local level, we cannot even enforce a lot of our laws on the books.
    Go to Bryant Park, dog poop all over the park and it is hard to walk on the greenery, is the city enforcing this law?
    Walk down Lake or Lucerne and see the "No Bikes on Sidewalk" Sign, but bikes wiz by you left and right like crazy, is our city enforcing this law?

    So many cars/drivers these days do not even stop at a stop sign anymore, they just yield.

    Almost no one uses signals anymore to let you know they are turning left or right, it is confusing, but very common now.

    So many people work under the table, but collect unemployment here, so much dishonesty and is our government catching this or doing anything about it?

    Go over to Highland Elem School, 93% ESOL pop. and immigrants, all getting free lunches, yet their parents are picking them up in expensive 40K SUV's these suppose poor get all the freebees from the gov. and their parent, many here illegally work and pay no taxes, get all this money that is not showing up on a W2, so their kids can get all these freebees.

    Bottom line, our system is broken, no one wants to enforce laws, or abide by laws, no one cares, it is egocentric and out of control.

    What will happen if we continue on this path in this country and city?

  2. Within a very short time, we have become a country whose populous has its hands out for and spend. We had better get sanity back in Washington. We have already headed down the tubes and it is just a short amount of time ahead where we will be a second rate power. We have lost respect all over the world. I blame it all on democrats, Socialists, bleeding heart liberals. That's why we all said "enough" in this last election.

