Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Tom Ramiccio's Letter to the Editor

Comment Up
February 9, 2011
PB Post

Lake Worth should focus on new revenue, not harsh cuts

It's great to see that The Post is covering Lake Worth again, with coverage of the discussion about possibly ending the contract with the sheriff's office and again having a police department, and other issues.

As a former mayor of the city, I understand what it will take to rebuild our city tax base. We must focus again on redeveloping our neighborhoods, encouraging careful development and finding new revenue streams that will sustain our city services. These are the basic services that everyone enjoys. We have an aggressive code department that will begin to clean up the inner neighborhoods that look like a Third World country.

The current commission and mayor are clueless about how to increase revenue. They continue to focus on cutting spending and not looking at new revenue streams.


Lake Worth


  1. Tom Ramiccio is a terrible person. When he was in office ,he used code enforcement as his private army and to help his political cronies to get properties in the city cheap.Just recently,when he was still head of the Chamber-pot,he threw a hissy fit about no longer CONTROLLING evening on the Avenues and Thurs bike nights.. He blamed the owner of the business right next door to the chamber,and he called the code dept and instructed them to get down there and hit her with code violations.Which they obediently did.This was right out of the mouths of the code officer that wrote the citations and his supervisor to me.We don't need a return to the days of Ramiccio's mob running the city like their very own fun-time,all expenses paid, resort.

  2. Sure sounds like he might be running.

  3. No one is clueless unless it is you thinking you will run again. Bring in new businesses just like you did, right? The city is constantly trying to clean up the mess from when you were in charge of attracting new businesses to Lake Worth.
