Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Getting high in Lake Worth

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The PBSO on bicycle patrol followed their noses and found a warehouse with over 1000 marijuana plants and growing paraphernalia in the 600 block of North G worth $750,000.

Tropical Ridge has been troubled about slum and blight, vermin and lack of code enforcement. This is one way to forget your worries.


  1. Tropical Ridge has improved greatly, in part I am sure to the PBSO, much better than the old LWPD. Blight and code issues still are a big problem, the city just won't crack down on the codes, over crowding, lawlessness of the illegal immigrants, and so much more. The city could do more, but they overlook a lot as they do not want to look racist toward the immigrants who heavily populate this area of the city. They cannot vote so it is not a priority of the city to improve the western areas of the city.

  2. I forget. Did the commissioner from that district campaign to help fight the blight?
    Lynn here's a news flash for you. He takes his marching orders from Cara not from you. It's funny you claim he brought up the realtor contract because you told him to and Cara had nothing to do with it. Do you think it was just a coincidence that she showed up at the meeting with her laptop cued up to the exact minutes from the meeting she was berating Suzie about?

  3. Look, Anony--You don't know how to read and you don't know how to comprehend. Go back to that blog and read what I wrote. Until you do that, don't come over here with your BS. Thanks very much.

  4. At least the product was staying local!The biggest unintended consequence of prohibition was the funding of a whole class of ruthless criminals and countless innocent victims caught in the crossfire.Mexican border violence,anyone? If marijuana was legalized,just think how much money Lake Worth could make by planting pot on our now useless dump site!

  5. I can read and comprehend. You wrote TR has been troubled with slum and blight- your words. I asked if the current commissioner campaigned about fighting the blight in his district. I know you are a big supporter so I figured you could answer an easy question like that. I know he campaigned that he saved the beach and will lower utility rates but I don't remember anything about blight. I know the previous commissioner in that district is openly against code. I know the candidate that lost in that district spoke about the need for better code.
    In another post you wrote people were wrong about Dr. McCoy's motivation for bringing up the beach lease again, he did it because you asked him to and Cara had nothing to do with it. My point was that it was no coincidence that Cara was there laptop and notes in hand clearly pointing out Cara's in charge. See the connection? Cara says ignore the blight, they ignore the blight. See, I connected 2 of your posts together. How's that for comprehension?

  6. You are repeating the same charge that you did before. Dr. McVoy never brought back the beach lease because I asked him to...MANY PEOPLE ASKED HIM TO. Can you comprehend that? I am not that arrogant to believe that any commissioner would bring something back for discussion because I asked them to. That is ridiculous just like your continued charge because you can NOT READ.

    You can and will read into something that is not there. That is yours to solve.

    If you want to know what Dr. McVoy said about blight (to even assume that he is for that is just so out of space), then write him and ask him. Get it from the horse's mouth. I don't speak for Dr. McVoy.
